
From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Internship Darina Knoops on Delw y byd

21 Jun 2022

This is a slightly reformatted repost from a Twitter post series, originally tweeted on 21 June 2022. Because the platform (now X) has removed the general visibility of tweets and rolled back support for embedding them, I thought it worthwhile to reproduce the relevant posts here.

As the academic year is drawing to a close, it is time for me to reflect on the first months of 2022, when I was pleased to welcome the excellent Darina Knoops (@CelticUU) as the first student intern to work on CODECS!

Her focus has been one substantial work: Delw y byd, a #Middle Welsh version of a good part of the ‘Imago mundi’ attr. to Honorius Augustodensis.

[Image: @JesusOxford, MS 111, f. 121v ]

Darina immersed herself in the relevant literature, which enabled her to summarise discussions and systematically record the #manuscript evidence.

In the process, she created and added to many catalogue entries and managed to cast her net even wider, with excursions to scribes such as Hywel Fychan and related texts like Ystoria Lucidar.

Notably, Darina also created a useful overview of the contents of the text, availing herself of the new Text Items module (beta).

And all without me having to intervene much. Warmest thanks to Darina for her wonderful diligence and patience as well as to Pierre Faure and Natalia Petrovskaia of @CelticUUfor for their guidance and supervision.