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Miller, Kathleen, and Carlotte Gribben (eds), Dublin: Renaissance city of literature, The Manchester Spenser, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017.

  • edited collection
Citation details
Dublin: Renaissance city of literature
Manchester University Press
Contributions indexed individually i.e. contributions for which a separate page is available
Abstract (cited)
Dublin: Renaissance city of literature interrogates the notion of a literary 'renaissance' in Dublin. Through detailed case studies of print and literature in Renaissance Dublin, the volume covers innovative new ground, including quantitative analysis of print production in Ireland, unique insight into the city's literary communities and considerations of literary genres that flourished in early modern Dublin. The volume's broad focus and extended timeline offer an unprecedented and comprehensive consideration of the features of renaissance that may be traced to the city from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. With contributions from leading scholars in the area of early modern Ireland, including Raymond Gillespie and Andrew Hadfield, students and academics will find the book an invaluable resource for fully appreciating those elements that contributed to the complex literary character of Dublin as a Renaissance city of literature.
Subjects and topics
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
May 2023