
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.


Mikhailova, Tatyana, “Once again on the pre-Celtic substratum in the British Islands [Response to Ranko Matasović]”, Journal of Language Relationship 8 (2012): 160–164.

Citation details
“Once again on the pre-Celtic substratum in the British Islands”
[additional details: Response to Ranko Matasović]
Related publications
Matasović, Ranko, “The substratum in Insular Celtic”, Journal of Language Relationship 8 (2012): 153–159, 165–168 (response to Tatyana Mikhailova). URL: <>. 
The discussion focuses on the problem of pre-Celtic substratum languages in the British Islands. The article by R. Matasović begins by dealing with the syntactic features of Insular Celtic languages (Brittonic and Goidelic): the author analyses numerous innovations in Insular Celtic and finds certain parallels in languages of the Afro-Asiatic macrofamily. The second part of his paper contains the analysis of that particular part of the Celtic lexicon which cannot be attributed to the PIE layer. A number of words for which only a substratum origin can be assumed is attested only in Brittonic and Goidelic. The author proposes to reconstruct Proto-Insular Celtic forms for this section of the vocabulary. This idea encounters objections from T. Mikhailova, who prefers to qualify common non-Celtic lexicon of Goidelic and Brittonic as parallel loanwords from the same substratum language. The genetic value of this language, however, remains enigmatic for both authors.
Subjects and topics
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
November 2014, last updated: January 2019