[Introduction] “Fifty-seven years of study in Irish Bible and apocrypha (1955-2012) [Robert T. Farrell Lecture, Kalamazoo, 2012, part I]”
Previously unpublished.
Part I: The Bible: texts and commentaries
[Introduction] “The Bible in Ireland and abroad: summary of evidence 2012 [Robert T. Farrell Lecture, Kalamazoo, 2012, part II]”
Previously unpublished.
[1] “A plea for Hiberno-Latin studies”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘A plea for Hiberno-Latin studies’, Irish Theological Quarterly 39 (1972)
[2] “The Irish Biblical Association and its publication committee”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘The Irish Biblical Association and its publication committee’, Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 25 (2002)
[3] “The Bible in Ireland (A. D. 600-1150)”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘The Bible in Ireland (AD 600–1150)’, Scripture Bulletin 6 (1975–1976)
[4] “Plan and source analysis of Das Bibelwerk. Old Testament”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘Plan and source analysis of Das Bibelwerk, Old Testament’ in Irland und die Christenheit... (1987)
[5] “Five Irish Psalter rexts”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘Five Irish psalter texts’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 109 C (2009)
[6] “End of an era in early Irish biblical exegesis: Caimin Psalter fragments (11th–12th century)”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘End of an era in early Irish biblical exegesis: Caimin Psalter fragments (11th–12th century) and the Gospels of Máel Brigte (A.D. 1138)’, Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 34 (2011)
[7] “The Latin gospels, with special reference to Irish tradition”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘The Latin gospels, with special reference to Irish tradition’ in The earliest gospels... (2004)
[8] “The Celtic-Irish mixed gospel text: some recent contributions and centennial reflections”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘The Celtic-Irish mixed gospel text: some recent contributions and centennial reflections’, Filologia mediolatina 2 (1995)
[9] “Sources and affiliations of the Catechesis Celtica (MS Vat. Reg. lat. 49)”
Taken from: Martin McNamara, ‘Sources and affiliations of the Catechesis Celtica (MS Vat. Reg. lat. 49)’, Sacris Erudiri 34 (1994)
[10] “The newly-identified Cambridge Apocalypse commentary and the Reference bible: a preliminary inquiry”