
McCormack, Finbar, “Struell wells: pagan past and Christian present”, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 139 (2009): 45–62.

  • journal article
Citation details
“Struell wells: pagan past and Christian present”
The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 139 (2009)
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 139 (2009).
Abstract (cited)
The complex of buildings at Struell Wells, near Downpatrick, Co. Down, is the most extensive at a holy well in Ireland. It comprises two wells, two bathhouses and the ruins of a church. Nearby is a natural rock feature known as St Patrick's Chair. The earliest reference to the wells is likely to be in the eighth-century Fíacc's hymn, which records the site being visited by St Patrick. The earliest reference to their healing powers can be dated to the eleventh or twelfth century and the site continued to be a focus of pilgrimage at midsummer until its suppression in the nineteenth century. The site seems to be unique in that bathing in the wells constituted an integral part of the rituals performed by pilgrims. A recent study of the holy well phenomenon in Ireland has suggested that the rituals associated with them have their origins in the Counter-Reformation The evidence from Struell, however, strongly suggests that it was an important sacred site in pre-Christian times.
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