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Mac Domhnaill (Somhairle)

  • c. 1586–1632
  • patrons of manuscript production
  • Flanders
(Captain) Somhairle Mac Domhnaill, soldier who belonged to Clann Dhomhnaill of Co. Antrim; ended up in Flanders in 1616 to join the Irish regiment of the Spanish army; a patron who commissioned the compilation of Irish manuscripts.
See also: Aodh Ó DochartaighÓ Dochartaigh (Aodh)
(fl. 17th century, first half)
Doharty (Don Hugo)
Irish soldier and scribe. His patron was Capt. Somhairle Mac Domhnaill for whom he compiled two volumes of Irish verse, namely volume b of UCD Franciscan MS A 20 (Duanaire Finn) and the Book of the O'Conor Don.
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See also references for related subjects.
Ó hUiginn, Ruairí, “Captain Somhairle and his books revisited”, in: Pádraig Ó Macháin (ed.), The Book of the O'Conor Don: essays on an Irish manuscript, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2010. 88–102.
Ó hUiginn, Ruairí, “Somhairle Mac Domhnaill agus Duanaire Finn”, in: Pádraig A. Breatnach, Caoimhín Breatnach, and Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail (eds), Léann lámhscríbhinní lobháin: The Louvain manuscript heritage, 1, Dublin: National University of Ireland, 2007. 42–53.
Ó hUiginn, Ruairí, “Duanaire Finn: patron and text”, in: John Carey (ed.), Duanaire Finn: reassessments, 13, London: Irish Texts Society, 2003. 79–106.
Mac Cárthaigh, Eoin, “Marbhna ar Aodh Buidhe Ó Domhnaill († 1649)”, Ériu 50 (1999): 41–78.
Ó hUiginn, Ruairí, “Duanaire Finn”, in: Pádraig Ó Fiannachta (ed.), An fhiannaíocht, 25, Maynooth: An Sagart, 1995. 47–68.
Murphy, Gerard, Duanaire Finn: The book of the lays of Fionn, 3 vols, vol. 3: Introduction, notes, appendices and glossary, Irish Texts Society, 43, London: Irish Texts Society, 1953.
Internet Archive: <link>
Jennings, Brendan, “Appendix L: Some documents concerning the scribe of Duanaire Finn and his patron”, in: Gerard Murphy, Duanaire Finn: The book of the lays of Fionn, 3 vols, vol. 3: Introduction, notes, appendices and glossary, 43, London: Irish Texts Society, 1953. 217–219.
Internet Archive: <link>
Walsh, Paul, “The books of Captain Sorley MacDonnell”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 30 (1927): 337–351, 561–568.  
scribes:Ó Dochartaigh (Aodh)patron:Mac Domhnaill (Somhairle)
scribes:Ó Dochartaigh (Aodh)patron:Mac Domhnaill (Somhairle)