“II. A study of several tales related to the above theme”
“The lost tale known as Aithed Dige re Laidcnén
“The lost tale known as Aithed Muirne re Dub Ruis and the romance of Mis and Dub Ruis”
Dub RuisDub Ruis
One or perhaps multiple Munstermen in Irish tradition. Mac Cana has argued that historically, he may have been a chieftain who contended with Feidlimid mac Crimthainn (d. 846) for the kingship of Munster. Later traditions variously present him as a poet, husband to the sovereignty princess Mis and harpist to Feidlimid mac Crimthainn (The romance of Mis and Dub Ruis).
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“The story of Cano mac Gartnáin and other tales”
Incl. The mutual relationship of the Irish texts; Meyer's interpretation of Créd's song; The Irish tales and Tristan; Review of discussion of Scéla Cano.