[Accounts of the battle] “Notes on the sources”
Bollard (John K.)Haycock (Marged), [Essays on the sources] “The Welsh sources pertaining to the battle”
by John K. Bollard, with Marged Haycock
Smith (Scott Thompson), [Essays on the sources] Preliorum maximum: the Latin tradition”
Bredehoft (Thomas A.), [Essays on the sources] The battle of Brunanburh in Old English studies”
Creed (Robert P.), [Essays on the sources] The battle of Brunanburh as a poem”
Kelly (A. Keith), [Essays on the sources] “Truth and a good story: Egil’s saga and Brunanburh”
Rouse (Robert), [Essays on the sources] “Romancing the past: the Middle English tradition”
Cavill (Paul), [Essays on the battle] “The place-name debate”
Harding (Stephen), [Essays on the battle] “Wirral: folkore and locations”
Coates (Richard), [Essays on the battle] “The sociolinguistic context of Brunanburh”
Parker (Joanne), “Brunanburh and the Victorian imagination”
Bibliography; Index