List of Irish saints (Colum Cille o Dhoire)

  • Early Modern Irish
  • prose, list

A catalogue of roughly 150 saints of Ireland, whose selection may ultimately derive from the Martyrology of Donegal. It is extant in two versions, both of which may be linked to members of the Ó Cléirigh family: as a set of glosses to Cú Choigcríche Ó Cléirigh’s version of the versified list of Irish saints beg. Náemhshenchas náemh Insi Fáil; and as a list found at the end of Rawl. B 484, which may be in the hand of Mícheál Ó Cléirigh.

List of Irish saints (Colum Cille o Dhoire)
There seems to be no satisfactory title that is sufficiently unique and appropriately descriptive. When referring to the Rawlinson version, Plummer called it a ‘List of Irish saints with their churches and festivals’.
Ó Cléirigh family
Ó Cléirigh family
A learned Irish family that produced many poets and historians to chiefs of the Uí Dhomhnaill.

See more
f. 2r ff
beg. ‘O Dhoire Coluim Cille’
The collection occurs as a set of glosses above the saints' names. Hennig counts 156 saints and 22 families.
ff. 86–87
beg. ‘Colaim cille o Dhoire .c.c. o Í a nAlbain’
Hennig counts 145 saints.
  • Early Modern Irish
prose, list (primary)
Textual relationships
(Possible) sources: Martyrology of DonegalMartyrology of DonegalExtensive martyrology (calendar of saints) prepared by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh in the early part of the 17th century (c.1630).



saints of IrelandIreland and Irish history, Irish people, saints
saints of Ireland
id. 27585


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Grosjean, P., “Naemsenchus náemh nÉrenn”, in: J. Fraser, Paul Grosjean, and J. G. OʼKeeffe (eds), Irish texts, fasciculus III, London, 1931. 40–80 + corrigenda + fasc. V: 100 (corrigenda).
Celtic Digital Initiative – PDF: <link>
An edition of the poem in the Brussels MS, with glosses in footnotes.
Edition wanted
An edition of the Rawl. 484 version is currently unknown as is a critical collated edition of the two versions. Many of the variants are noted by Hennig, however.

Secondary sources (select)

Hennig, John, “A list of Irish saints in Rawl. B 484”, Éigse 6:1 (1948–1952): 50–55.
Plummer, Charles, “A tentative catalogue of Irish hagiography”, in: Charles Plummer, Miscellanea hagiographica Hibernica: vitae adhuc ineditae sanctorum Mac Creiche, Naile, Cranat, 15, Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, 1925. 171–285.
Utrecht University Library: <link>
230 [id. 194.]
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
February 2022, last updated: June 2023