Lambert, Pierre-Yves, “Notes de vieux-breton”, Études Celtiques 37 (2011): 183–197.
- journal article
[EN] 1. OBr. penn gurth cimarch, a gloss on primas, was probably referring to an important official in court, the supreme judge, or the first counsellor of the king ; in this meaning, it is certainly a parallel for OIr. cenn athchomairc «chief for the second asking » , maybe a judge in appeal, an important function second only to the king (cf. The Expulsion of the Déisi) ; — 2. About a group of words still uncompletely studied : OBr presguor «devoted » , Mid Br presour «constant, diligent » , and Mid W preswyl are borrowed from Lat. perseuerare ; — 3. OBr gueledint ou nimer, a gloss on sub ipso Septentrione (ms. Angers 477, Bede), does not include a passive imperfect of the verb «to see » , but the noun gueled «lower part, bottom » , paraphrasing the preposition sub ; the gloss itself is a litteral translation of the glossed Latin words, excepted that Septentrio is rendered by a generic term, nimer, «constellation »
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