Lambert, Pierre-Yves, “Préverbes gaulois suffixés en -io- : ambio-, ario-, cantio-”, Études Celtiques 31 (1995): 115–121.
- journal article
[EN] Gaulish preverbs suffixed with -io-, ambio-, ario-, cantio-.
Old Irish has some substantives derived from prepositions with the suffix -iā. May we compare them to the Gaulish elements ambio-, ario-, cantio - ? But only cantio- is used as a simple word (Cantium). These Gaulish elements are probably the preverbs/prefixes ambi-, ari- et canti- developped with a composition-vowel. It is a coincidence if the same preverbs exhibit a full form (with a verkalkt infixed pronoun) imme-, ara-, ceta-, in some Old Irish compound verbs.
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