[I] “The duchy of Brittany in the Middle Ages”
This article appears here for the first time in print.
[II] “The defence of medieval Brittany: a survey of the establishment of fortified towns, castles and frontiers from the Gallo-Roman period to the end of the Middle Ages”
[III] “Notes sur quelques familles bretonnes en Angleterre après la conquête normande”
[IV] “La vie quotidienne de trois nobles bretons au XIIIe siècle d'après leurs testaments”
[V] “The chancery of the Duchy of Brittany from Peter Mauclerc to Duchess Anne, 1213-1514”
[VI] “The seals of John IV, Duke of Brittany, 1364-1399”
[VII] “Le voyage de Pierre de Lesnerac en Navarre, 1386”
[VIII] “The Breton Civil War”
[IX] “The Breton nobility and their masters from the Civil War of 1341-64 to the late fifteenth century”
[X] “The finances of John IV, Duke of Brittany, 1364-1399”
[XI] “The ransom of Jean de Bretagne, Count of Penthièvre: an aspect of English foreign policy 1386-1388”
[XII] “‘Mon pais et ma nation’: Breton identity in the fourteenth century”
[XIII] “Education in Brittany in the later middle ages: a survey”
[XIV] “‘Bons bretons et bons francoys’: the language and meaning of treason in later medieval France”
[XV] “L’armée bretonne, 1449-1491: structures et carrières”
[XVI] “Les manuscrits d’Anne de Bretagne, reine de France, duchesse de Bretagne”