Jaski, Bart, Lars B. Nooij, Sanne Nooij-Jongeleen, and Nike Stam (eds), Man van twee werelden: A. G. van Hamel als keltoloog en germanist, Utrecht: Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies, 2023.
- edited collection
A collection of biographical articles about A. G. van Hamel, published on the special occasion of the centenary of Celtic studies in the Netherlands and made possible with the support of the Maartje Draakfonds and the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW). In addition to the articles listed, it also includes a poem by Van Hamel, a preface by Peter Schrijver, an introduction by the editors, biographical information about the authors, and a list of abbreviations.
English-language version of a collection of biographical articles about A. G. van Hamel, published on the special occasion of the centenary of Celtic studies in the Netherlands and made possible with the support of the Maartje Draakfonds and the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW). In addition to the articles listed, it also includes a poem by Van Hamel, a preface by Peter Schrijver, an introduction by the editors, biographical information about the authors, and a list of abbreviations.
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