
In Donati artem maiorem (lost Irish commentary)

  • Latin
  • prose
  • Hiberno-Latin texts
  • extent: not extant

The hypothetical Irish commentary on Donatus’ Ars maior which according to Louis Holtz, underlies three extant Hiberno-Latin commentaries produced on the continent in the ninth century: those by Sedulius Scottus and Muiredach and the anonymous Ars Laureshamensis. The suggested scenario is that the work originated at home in Ireland and was brought to the continent by Irish peregrini.

  • Latin
prose (primary)
Textual relationships
Related: Ars LaureshamensisArs Laureshamensis

Anonymous commentary on Donatus, Ars maior, written at Lorsch, perhaps by an Irish or insular grammarian and based on a lost source of Irish origin. It covers all three parts (1, 3 and 2).

In Donati artem maioremIn Donati artem maiorem

Commentary on Donatus, Ars maior, written c.840 by Muiredach (Muridac).


Hiberno-Latin textsHiberno-Latin texts


Secondary sources (select)

Holtz, Louis, “Grammairiens irlandais au temps de Jean Scot: quelques aspects de leur pédagogie”, in: René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie: Laon 7–12 Juillet 1975, 561, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 1977. 69–78.
Holtz, Louis, Murethach (Muridac): In Donati artem maiorem, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, 40, Turnhout: Brepols, 1977.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “The Priscian text used in three ninth-century Irish Donatus commentaries”, in: Anders Ahlqvist, Konrad Koerner, R. H. Robins, and Irène Rosier (eds), Diversions of Galway: papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V, Galway, Ireland, 1-6 September 1990, 3.68, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1992. 7–15.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
November 2018, last updated: January 2024