Historical boundaries of Wales: counties, parishes, townships and more, Online: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monument of Wales, ArcGIS, 2024–present.
The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monument of Wales is attempting, for the first time, to map historical administrative boundaries in detail. Starting with the nineteenth century Ordnance Survey mapping, we are working backwards as far as we can using a range of sources including historical maps and archival documents. The information and datasets hosted on this website are likely to change over time as new information comes to light and the data is updated to reflect the available evidence.
page url: https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/Historical_Boundaries_of_Wales_website
redirect: https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/Special:Redirect/page/69722
numerical alternative: https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/index.php?curid=69722
page ID: 69722
page ID tracker: https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/index.php?title=Show:ID&id=69722