[1] “The story of 'King Arthur'”
[2] “The matter of Arthur: the traditional narrative”
[3] “Swords in the stones: the archaeology of post-imperial Britain”
[4] “The antimatter of Arthur: reassessing the written sources”
[5] “Continuity or collapse? The end of Roman Britain”
[6] “Beyond brooches and brochs: rethinking early medieval British archaeology”
[7] “Red herrings and old chestnuts”
[8] “The matter of Arthur: changing the framework”
[9] “Rethinking the Anglo-Saxon migration and setttlement (1): when did the Anglo-Saxons come to Britain?”
[10] “Rethinking the Anglo-Saxon migration and setttlement (2): the nature and scale of the migration”
[11] “Fifth and sixth-century politics in Britannia”
[12] “The end of the 'world of Arthur'”
Further reading; Index