Feugère, Michel, and Pierre-Yves Lambert, “Une belle gauloise... À propos d’une fibule inscrite de Laon”, Études Celtiques 37 (2011): 147–152.
- journal article
[EN] Michel Feugère describes a Gallo-Roman fibula with the inscription AVII VIMPI, found in Laon. This is a hinged brooch, designed as a sole, with an applied leaf of stanned copper, bearing a decorative relief. The same legend has been found on an earthen spindle whorl from Nyon, and on two others brooches, one from Reims (now lost), and the other from Cirencester. Ornamentation by application of a separate leaf dates from the second half of the first century. Pierre-Yves Lambert remarks that this legend combines a Latin word and a Gaulish one : «Hello, pretty ! » . The high frequency of vimpi on small inscribed objects such as spindle whorls makes it improbable that it would be a Proper Name. The -i ending, open to many explanations, seems to have originally been a vocative singular of an -iā stem. Its extension to an -ā-stem was perhaps intended to mark a substantivised adjective.
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