Work in progress
This is only a tentative interpretation of the sparse comments provided by Mackinnon and Stokes. x in the right margin marks the presence of scribal and modern additions.
The first leaf is the cover leaf (unfoliated).
scribal addition x
f. 1ra–f. 2vb = col. 1–col. 8
First portion. There is no title heading, but a large capital indicates the beginning of the text. The third leaf is misplaced and ought to have come fifth. Between the fifth and third leaf, two or possibly three leaves are missing (Mackinnon).
f. 1ra
Incipit: ‘Do comoradh fled mor-cháin mor-adbal la Conchobar mac Fachtna Fhataigh...’
f. 1v
On f. 1v there is a note in a late hand: Gleannmasain an Cuige la deug don ... Mi ... do bhlian ar tsaorrse Mile da Chead Trichid sa hocht. The year 1238 may have been copied from an earlier exemplar (Mackinnon).
scribal addition x
f. 3ra–f. 3vb = col. 9–col. 12
(2) First occurence of a portion of this text. This leaf is misplaced and should have come fifth.
f. 4r–f. 4v = col. 13–col. 16
Second portion. The text breaks off on f. 4v.
Chasm. Mackinnon estimates that two, possibly three leaves are missing at this point.
f. 5ra–f. 5vb = col. 17–col. 20
(1) The loss of leaves may have meant the loss of a title heading, but it is uncertain if the text is treated as a separate unit or part of a continuous narrative. See Caoimhín Breatnach, ‘Oidheadh Chloinne Uisnigh’, Ériu 45 (1994). John MacKechnie, Catalogue of Gaelic manuscripts in selected libraries in Great Britain and Ireland (1973) suggests that one may distinguish an intermediary tale which he calls Fochunn loingse Fergusa.
f. 6ra–f. 22va = col. 21–col. 87
(3) Continued. The lower corner of f. 7 is cut away (Mackinnon).
f. 9r
Note: Robert Campbell at Grensluan
scribal addition x
f. 15r
Name of the owner, Rev. William Campbell, minister of Kilchrenan and Dalavich
scribal addition x
f. 19r
Note with name of John M'Tavish: Leabhar Echdra ata ann so ar a scriobha le Eoin Mc Tauis
scribal addition x
f. 22va–f. 26r = col. 87–col. 101
[Tóraigheacht tána bó Flidaise] Heading/rubric: ‘Toraigecht tana bo Flidaise ann so’
f. 26r–f. 26r = col. 101–col. 101
marg.Explicit: ‘Gurub h-i Táin bo Flidaise con a Toruighecht go ruici sin. Finit.’
The last column of text (101) occurs on f. 26r, which is an inner page of the cover leaf. Here a later scribe has added a reading in the margin.
scribal addition x
A strip of brown paper is pasted onto the cover leaf.