EDCS 11100867
Westkapelle votive stone dedicated to Hercules Magusanus

First words visible
HERCVLI / MAGVSANO / M(arcus) PRIMHVIS / TERTIVS / V(otum) S(olvit) L(ibens) M(erito)


Westkapelle, Walcheren, prov. Zeeland, The Netherlands
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Latin script
Base language
Latin language


Primary sources

[ed.] Keltische Götternamen in den Inschriften der römischen Provinz Germania Inferior, Online: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2019–present. URL: <https://gams.uni-graz.at/context:fercan>. 
This database provides an online-version of the edition of inscriptions forming part of the research project described below.

This data, being submitted in a number of stages, has not yet been completed. It is currently being presented as work in progress and therefore might still contain some inconsistencies. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are welcome.

This research project intends to collect and analyse all Celtic divine names that are preserved in Latin inscriptions of the Roman province Germania Inferior. These sources seem especially suitable as a basis for examining phenomena that emerge in religious contexts when different cultural influences collide. In this case, those influences are defined on the one hand by the use of the Celtic language, on the other hand by the Latin language and patterns from inside the Roman Empire that can be labelled as “Roman”. Our focus is not only on religious aspects but also on social issues and corresponding mentalities. A further aim is to contribute to a clearer overall picture of the provincial religion in Germania Inferior.

The first part of the project comprises a new edition of the relevant epigraphical sources, also considering the inscribed objects and their iconography. The second part analyses the sources edited this way.

The final publication complemented by a detailed linguistic commentary (by Patrizia de Bernardo Stempel) will appear in ‚Corpus - F.E.R.C.AN. (Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum)‘.
[‘CF-GeI-242,’] direct link
[dig. img.] Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg / Epigraphic database Heidelberg, Online, 1999–present. URL: <https://edh-www.adw.uni-heidelberg.de>. 
The Epigraphic Database Heidelberg contains the texts of Latin and bilingual (i.e. Latin-Greek) inscriptions of the Roman Empire. The epigraphic monuments are collected and kept up to date on the basis of modern research. With the help of search functions specific queries can be carried out - e.g. a search for words in inscriptions and / or particular descriptive data. The search results are often displayed together with photos and drawings. The geographic focus is provided by the provinces of the Roman Empire. The total number of records rises continuously. The Research Project is made up of four constituent databases: Epigraphic Text Database; Photographic Database; Bibliographic Database; Geographic Database.
[‘F034957’] Photo. At the moment of writing, a record for the inscription itself appears to be lacking. direct link
[ed.] Mommsen, Theodor, Otto Hirschfeld, and A. Domaszewski (eds), Corpus inscriptionum latinarum, vol. 13: Inscriptiones trium Galliarum et Germaniarum Latinae, fasc. 2.2: Inscriptiones Germaniae inferioris. Miliaria Galliarum et Germaniarum, Berlin, 1907.
 : <link>
[id. 8777.]
C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2020, last updated: June 2021