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Dumville, David N., Histories and pseudo-histories of the insular Middle Ages, Variorum Collected Studies Series, 316, Aldershot: Variorum, 1990.

  • Book/Monograph
Citation details
Histories and pseudo-histories of the insular Middle Ages
Contributions indexed individually i.e. contributions for which a separate page is available
Abstract (cited)
The centuries that followed the Roman withdrawal from the British Isles have not been called 'Dark' for nothing; in the sources that survive, fact and legend seem inextricably intertwined, and the work of later medieval writers has only deepened the confusion. Dr. Dumville has done much to help dissect and disentangle these sources, probing the cultural history of the Insular Middle Ages, tracing the channels through which historical knowledge was transmitted and the interaction of political thought and historical writing - ideologically based historiography looms large as evidence in any attempt to grasp how medieval people comprehended their past. In these essays, he concentrates on the historiographical practices of the Irish, Britons and English, which shared much in common. Specific themes are the Insular cultivation of genealogy, the classic British pseudo-history (as in the Historia Brittonum and Geoffrey of Monmouth), the important Cistercian school of historical studies at Sawley, and the traditions of annalistic chronicling. An important section of Addenda is also provided.
(source: the publisher’s promotional abstract)
Related publications
Dumville, David N., “The Anglian collection of royal genealogies and regnal lists”, Anglo-Saxon England 5 (1976): 23–50.  
Reprinted with revisions in 1990, essay V.
– Cambridge Journals: <link>
Subjects and topics
collected articles
[I] “Sub-Roman Britain: history and legend”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘Sub-Roman Britain: history and legend’, History 62 (1977)
[II] “On the north British section of the Historia Brittonum
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘On the north British section of the Historia Brittonum’, Welsh History Review 8 (1976–1977)
[III] “The Welsh Latin annals”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘The Welsh Latin annals’, Studia Celtica 12-13 (1977–1978)
[IV] “Some aspects of the chronology of the Historia Brittonum
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘Some aspects of the chronology of the Historia Brittonum’, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 25 (1972–1974)
[V] “The Anglian collection of royal geneaologies and regnal lists”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘The Anglian collection of royal genealogies and regnal lists’, Anglo-Saxon England 5 (1976)
[VI] “A new chronicle-fragment of early British history (with appendices, I: A note on the Picts in Orkney; II: A note on the mission of Palladius)”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘A new chronicle-fragment of early British history’, The English Historical Review 88 (1973)
[VII] “The historical value of the Historia Brittonum
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘The historical value of the Historia Brittonum’, Arthurian Literature 6 (1986)
[VIII] “The 16th-century history of two Cambridge manuscripts from Sawley”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘The sixteenth-century history of two Cambridge books from Sawley’, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 7 (1980)
[IX] “The Corpus Christi ‘Nennius’”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘The Corpus Christi ‘Nennius’’, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 25 (1972–1974)
[X] “‘Nennius’ and the Historia Brittonum
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘‘Nennius’ and the Historia Brittonum’, Studia Celtica 10-11 (1975–1976)
[XI] “Celtic-Latin texts in northern England, c. 1150–c. 1250”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘Celtic-Latin texts in northern England, c. 1150–c. 1250’, Celtica 12 (1977)
[XII] “The Liber Floridus of Lambert of Saint-Omer and the Historia Brittonum
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘The Liber Floridus of Lambert of Saint-Omer and the Historia Brittonum’, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 26 (1974–1976)
[XIII] “A paraphrase of the Historia Brittonum: two fragments”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘A paraphrase of the Historia Brittonum: two fragments’, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 25 (1972–1974)
[XIV] “An early text of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae and the circulation of some Latin histories in 12th century Normandy”
[XV] “Kingship, geneaologies and regnal lists”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘Kingship, genealogies and regnal lists’ in Early medieval kingship... (1977)
[XVI] “On editing and translating medieval Irish chronicles: the Annals of Ulster”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘On editing and translating medieval Irish chronicles: the Annals of Ulster’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985)
[XVII] “Latin and Irish in the Annals of Ulster, A.D. 431–1050”
Taken from: David N. Dumville, ‘Latin and Irish in the Annals of Ulster, A.D. 431–1050’ in Ireland in early medieval Europe... (1982)
C. A., Dennis Groenewegen, Neil McGuigan
Page created
August 2012, last updated: March 2022