Dublin, University College, MS Franciscan A 8 Maghnus Ó Domhnaill, Beatha Cholaim Chille
- Irish, Latin
- s. xvi1
- Irish manuscripts
At the end of the MS (p. 66), the scribe has left a colophon which Paul Walsh (1929) has transcribed and translated as follows: Misi Eoghan Carrach Ó Siaghail ro sgribh an beatha so C. c. do Niall óg mac Airt mic Cuinn mic Énri mic Eoghain Y Néill .i. cend sochair na heigsi & na healadna & saoi egnaide a ndeolus gacha haithne & dobeir vadha ar scath a aidhchi certuired agus bhis ag mac righ heigin ele re cois a mbhinn aige fein. Finit. “I am Eoghan Carrach O Siadhail (O Shiel), who wrote this Life of Columcille for Niall Og, son of Art, son of Conn, son of Henry, son of Eoghan O Neill, that is, the head of profit to poetry and learning, and a wise sage in the understanding of every knowledge, and one who distributes from him for his honour’s sake just as much as some other king’s son has, along with what he has himself. Finit.” Another transcription, which differs somewhat from Walsh’s, is given by Ó Doibhlin (2000). The colophon is foll. by a poem beg. Oráid ríghda réil d'Ó Néill nósmhar nár.
Eoghan Carrach Ó SiaghailÓ Siaghail (Eoghan Carrach)See more
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