The following overview is still work in progress. It is based on Abbott (1900) and updated where more modern references are available. Note that it is unclear to what extent Abbott's titles reflect manuscript headings and rubrics or purely descriptive titles. The headings provided below may be subject to change.
f. 1–f. 11
[Registrum Clochorense ] Heading/rubric: ‘Fragmenta ex registro Clochoren’
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Heading/rubric: ‘Annales ex quodam Rotulo, cum partitione terrarum quae fuerant Walteri Marescalli 31 Hen. III’
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Heading/rubric: ‘Annales Hiberniae ad ann. 1525’
Annals of Ireland up to 1525.
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Heading/rubric: ‘Annales Hiberniae ab A.D. 1111 continuati per Hen. Marlburg ad 12 Hen. VI’
Annals of Ireland, from 1111 to King Henry VI, as continued by Henry Marlborough [Marleburgh].
[Annals of Ireland ] Heading/rubric: ‘Thadei Dowling Annales a temp. Bartholini, Invasoris Hiberniae, ad A.D. 1600’
[Annals of Ireland] Heading/rubric: ‘Jac. Grace, Kilkenniensis, Annales cum obitibus familiarum Ormondiae et Desmondiae’
Heading/rubric: ‘Genealogia Giraldi Cambrensis’
p. 224
[Annals of Boyle, al. Cottonian annals] Heading/rubric: ‘Liber Croftonianus seu Abbatiae Buellensis ad ann. 1161’
Heading/rubric: ‘Annales ex Legiario Monasterii de Dunbrothy’
Heading/rubric: ‘Excerpta ex rubro libro Scaccarii, ex Libro Negro et Libro Albo Eccl. SS. Trin. Dubl.’
Excerpts from the Liber Niger and Liber Albus of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin (Dublin, Christ Church Cathedral, MS C 6.1.1 and Dublin, Christ Church Cathedral, MS C 6.1.2).
[Annals of Ireland] Heading/rubric: ‘Chronica Hiberniae a Christo nato ad ann. 1349 scripta a fratre Joh. Clynne’
p. 396
[Annals of Ross ] Heading/rubric: ‘Annales Hiberniae ex libro Rossensi’
p. 431–p. 514
[Annals of Ulster] Heading/rubric: ‘Annales Ultonienses...’
Copy based on that in Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1282, running up to AD 665, with a translation into Latin as far as AD 491. Written by Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh? A note on p.430, prefixed to the transcript, reads: “Sequentia Latine scripta, charactere vero Hibernico, sunt excerpta ex annalibus Ultoniensibus. Confer Usserii Primordia, p. 855 (edit. 4o), cum his Annalibus, p. 436, ad A.D. 444. Confer etiam Warei Scriptores cum p. 442 horum Annalium ad ann. 467 et 468 et ailibi” (Mc Carthy, Annála Uladh, vol. 4, xi-xii).
Heading/rubric: ‘Gildas. De primis habitatoribus Britanniae et de excidio illius, cum notis Joh. Price’
Heading/rubric: ‘Vita Gildae’
Heading/rubric: ‘Nennius. Eulogium seu Historia Brittonum, cum observationibus Usserii’
Heading/rubric: ‘Simeon, monachus Dunelm.: De Archiepp. Eboraci.’
Heading/rubric: ‘Excerpta e Giraldo Cambrensi’
Heading/rubric: ‘Panegyrici dicti Maximiano (a Mamertino) [etc.]’
Heading/rubric: ‘De Constantio et aliis Imperr. ex Nicephor. Callisto’
Heading/rubric: ‘Chronica Hiberniae ex Aurea Hist. Ioannis Anglici Tinmuthensis’
p. 701–p. 708
[Will of King Alfred] Heading/rubric: ‘Testamentum Alfredi et Athelwoldi’
Insert. See Michael Terry, ‘A copy of the Will of Alfred the Great in Dublin, Trinity College, MS 574’, Manuscripta 42:2 (1998): 116-121.
Heading/rubric: ‘Excerpta ex Itinerario Antonini, et ex Ptolemaeo’