The following is based on Abbott’ catalogue description.
p. 17
Here entitled Tochmarc Fearbhlaide.
p. 37
“Genealogical tables of several Irish families, and of some of the first English settlers, beginning with O'Neill (Hugh, grandson of Tyrone)” (Abbott).
p. 160
“Tract on the Geraldines as in [TCD] No. 1372, followed by more pedigrees and (p. 178) a tract on the Bissetts” (Abbott).
p. 185
[Dhá dhó dhá dheich dhá chét glan] Incipit: ‘Dhá dhó dhá dheich dhá chét glan’
“Poem in 3 st., giving the date of ‘our Hugh’ (O'Neill) as 1625” (Abbott). The verses are given by Paul Walsh, ‘Short annals of Leinster’ in Irish leaders and learning through the ages... (2003).
p. 186
Heading/rubric: ‘Do neithibh as ionchuimhnighthe andso síos do réir derbhtha sheinleabhar ionchreidthe gidh co n-abrad aroile go b-fuil cuid díbh brégach acht cheana ní cóir an seanfhocal do shárughadh. .i. gur laoidh nó litir chothaighes’Explicit: ‘Finit do na neithibh sin’
“Dates of memorable events according to trustworthy books, chiefly concerning the O'Neills” (Abbott). Mentioned by Paul Walsh, ‘Short annals of Leinster’ in Irish leaders and learning through the ages... (2003), where the heading is cited and translated: “Here below are matters to be remembered according to the attestations of a credible old book, although some say that some of them are false, however, it is not right to confute the proverb: that a lay or a letter nourishes”. Walsh also observes that of the present tract, “the last five entries correspond to nos. 1-4, 6, above”, i.e. entries for 1256, 1525, 1570, 1595 and 1105 in the Short annals of Leinster, of which a copy is found below, on pp. 191-192.
p. 192
“Short account of the Invasions of Ireland” (Abbott).
p. 198
“Names of the chiefs of the Tuatha Dé Danann” (Abbott).
p. 200
“Of the coming of Ith mac Breogain. Compare [TCD] no. 1372, 95-6” (Abbott).
p. 202
“Of the origin of Emain Macha, as in Rev. Celt. xvi, 279” (Abbott).
p. 209
“Of the deaths of Patrick and Columcille” (Abbott).