
Hand A

cols 780–801
col. 780
Incipit: ‘Eber mac Milidh Easpáne .u. mac Lais .i. Er, Orba’
col. 782.17–col. 784
[Scéla Éogain ⁊ Cormaic] Heading/rubric: ‘Scéla geine Cormaic’
On the birth of Cormac mac Airt, covering the second part of the text.
col. 784.19
On the seven Maines (sons of Ailill and Medb)
col. 785
On the twelve tribes of Israel
col. 787
On Cuacht, daughter of Caelbad of Mag Ailbe in Leinster; with mention of other Leinster families
col. 787.18
On the North, South, East and West of Ireland
small inserted slip (recto): illegible
Incipit: ‘Manumsa dalta Mide C_r ri tire’
small inserted slip (verso): religious verse. The slip after col. 799 also belongs to this.
col. 788
Heading/rubric: ‘Mac Raith rochum in acedeptra’
On the kings of Érimon's people and on the people descending from Éber, in the northern half of Ireland. Extracts on p. 790 are edited and translated in Eoin MacNeill, ‘Early Irish population groups’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 29 C (1911–1912): 107.
col. 790
On the four persons called Manannán: M. mac Athno, M. mac Alloit, M. mac Cirb, and M. mac Lir.----
col. 791.18
On some descendants of Fergus and Medb; concluding with a poem on their son Corc Ruad, beg. Corc Ruad mac Fergusa find (10 qq).
On famous figures of Irish history, often with their pedigrees (e.g. five of Finn)
col. 793–col. 795
“Defect” between cols 795 and 796
col. 796
End of the story “how the kingship of Ireland was taken from Cormac and given to Cairpri Lifechair; also of the grief of Acaill, daughter of Cairpri, for the death of her brother Erc” (Abbott and Gwynn)
col. 797–col. 799
Incipit: ‘Is tu mo bia<d> is m’édach’
Small inserted slip, with verse. See the slip inserted between cols 787 and 789.
col. 800.10–col. 801
On Eochaid mac Eirc, king of the Fir Bolg and the first to have his seat at Tara; and an account of the sites of Tailtiu, Uisnech and Tlachtga.