
Page numbering below may need to be revised.

pp. i–vi
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. i–vi

Memorandum in the hand of Maurice Gorman, which has been prefixed to the codex.

pp. 1-6
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 1-6

“On these leaves are mounted small mutilated fragments, containing jottings at wide intervals for a glossarial index, ex. gr. under the heading Ea, is, re eabh .i. furail” (Abbott).

pp. 7-8
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 7-8

Charms “in a hand of the seventeenth century” (Gwynn).

pp. 9-10
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 9-10

Copy of a bardic poem which formerly belonged to TCD 1319 (Gwynn).

pp. 11-12
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 11-12

Grammatical tract (acuis a causa .i. on cuis)

From here the pencil marks are followed, while the earlier ink marks are given in brackets.

pp. 13 (91)-38 (115)

14 folia. Sanas Cormaic.

pp. 39 (116)-42 (119)
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 39-42

1 f. + 1 f. (two leaves). Dúil Laithne (pp. 39-40) and a fragment (part of D, E-G) of O'Mulconry's glossary (pp. 41-42). Both leaves are written by Dubhaltach Mac Fhir Bhisigh (Gwynn).

pp. 43 (120)-58 (134)
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 43-58

8 folia. O'Davoren's glossary, running from the middle of C ((A, B and part of C are wanting) to U (where S, T and U are in a bad state).

pp. 59 (135)-74 (152)
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 59-74

9 folia. Two texts concerning Adomnán.

75 (153)-76 (154)
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 75-76

1 folio. Poem.

pp. 77 (155)-104 (180)

27 ff. Second copy of Sanas Cormaic, written by Dubhaltach Mac Fhir Bhisigh; followed by O'Mulconry's glossary on pp. 102 (178)–104 (180).

pp. 105a (181)-130
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 105-130

9 folia. Lebor ollaman (105a.1-107a.3) and Auraicept na n-éces (107ff).

pp. 131-156
Dublin, Trinity College, …  pp. 131-156

11 ff. Legal tracts = CIH 1111.1-1138.37: Bretha nemed dédenach (imperfect) and a part of Bretha nemed toísech.

pp. 157 (229)-312

76 folia. A late transcription of the Dinnshenchas Érenn, recension C.

Dublin, Trinity College, …  Calendar
