Dublin, Trinity College, …  Index

“There is a short table of contents written (says O'Donovan) by Maurice O'Gorman” (Gwynn).

pp. 1-238

Genealogy and bardic poetry. Scribe: Lúcás Ó Dalláin (14th century).

pp. 239-375

Narrative prose, especially Early Modern Irish romance. The hand has been identified as that of Uilliam Mac an Leagha (15th century).

pp. 376-456

Narrative prose (In cath catharda and Stair Fortibrais) and two early wisdom-texts (Audacht Morainn and Tecosca Cormaic). 15th century (?).

pp. 457-460

A fragment of Togail na Tebe. Dated 1479.