
ff. 144-157

f. 144(202)ra–f. 145(203)ra.4
[Carn Fraoich soitheach na saorchlann ] Incipit: ‘Carnd Fraeich sotheach na saercland’

Poem (105 qq).

f. 145(203)ra.5
[The shield of Fionn] Incipit: ‘Uchán a scíath mo righ reigh’
Poem (56 qq).
f. 145(203)va.inf
[The sword of Oscar] Incipit: ‘A cloidheam cleithrín acluig’

Poem (103 qq).

f. 146(204)vb.m
[A aencheard Bhérre] Incipit: ‘A aenceard Berre’

Poem (60 qq).

f. 147(205)va
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Fuadd i ceand reis i meidhi’

Poem (179 qq).

f. 149(207)va.inf–f. 150(208)r
f. 150rb.inf–f. 151rb.12
[Ádam athair sruith ar sluag ] Incipit: ‘Adham athair sruith ar sluagh’

Poem (110 qq, according to the catalogue). The text on the left column of f. 151r is somewhat impaired by a sewn up tear in the manuscript.

f. 151rb.13–f. 151vb
Incipit: ‘Moidi gach maith a moradh’

Poem, attributed internally (in st. 2) to Seaan O Dubhagan. Breaks off.

There is a chasm in the manuscript, but see Egerton 90, ff. 17-20.