p. 27a.1–p. 31b.33
[Fís Adomnáin] Heading/rubric: ‘Fís Adomnán só sís’Incipit: ‘IS uasal ⁊ is adamraigthe in Comdiu na ndúla [...]’Explicit: ‘Finit amen finit.’
corresponds to 67-76
p. 31b.34–p. 34a.23
[Scéla laí brátha] Heading/rubric: ‘Scéla laí brátha inso sis.’Incipit: ‘DIA do bennachad na n-éstidi uli tabrad cach óen díb fó leith a menmain [...]’
“Tidings of doomsday”, added by H
corresponds to 77-81
p. 34a.24–p. 37b.20
[Scéla na hEsérgi] Heading/rubric: ‘Scéla na esergi inso’Incipit: ‘TABRAD cách dia airi co ticfa bráth is andside bias esergi dona hulib daínib tri erfuacra meic De.’
“Tidings of the Resurrection”, added by H
corresponds to 82-88
p. 37b.21–p. 37b.36
[Orait do Moelmhuiri mac Ceileachair ] Incipit: ‘ORAIT do Moelmhuiri mac Ceileachair.’
“A prayer for Máel Muire mac Célechair”. The author is presumably by Sigraid Úa Cuirrndín/Curnín, who according to the note, restored parts of the manuscript where the ink had faded.
corresponds to 89
scribal addition Written in a blank space after the second column.
p. 37b.37–p. 37b.47
[Orait d'Aodh Ruadh mac Neill ] Incipit: ‘ORAIT and so d'Aodh Ruadh mac Neill [...]’
“A prayer here for Aodh Ruadh mac Néill”. Added in a blank space after the previous addition, with the last three lines continuing at the bottom of the page.
corresponds to 89
scribal addition Written in a blank space by a later hand.
p. 38a.1–p. 39a.21
[Aided Nath Í ⁊ a adnacol] Heading/rubric: ‘Aided Nath Í ⁊ á adnacol insó’Incipit: ‘RO GAB Nath Í mac Fíachrach Herind’
Written by hand M, with annotations by H and a colophon by the same (see below).
corresponds to 90-94
p. 39a
Colophon to Aided Nath Í ⁊ a adnacol, here referred to as Senchas na relec “The lore of burial grounds”, a designation corresponding to the title of the text on pp. 50b-52a below. The colophon is written by H.
corresponds to 94
scribal addition In the hand of L
p. 38
Marginal poem, 2 quatrains, beginning ‘Failet tri écis cen ail’
corresponds to 92
scribal addition Upper margin, in the hand of H.
p. 39a.22–p. 41b.8
[Aided Echach meic Maireda] Heading/rubric: ‘Aided Echach meic Maíreda inso’Incipit: ‘RI maith ro gab (Mumain) .i. Mairid mac Cáiredo.’
added by H
corresponds to 95-100
p. 41b.9–p. 42b.45
[Fotha catha Cnucha] Heading/rubric: ‘Fotha Catha Cnucha inso’Incipit: ‘DIA mboí Cathair Mór mac Fedelmthi Fir Urglais meic Cormaic Geltai Gaíth i rrigi Temnach’
added by H. Three stanzas from the poetic version beginning ‘Dinnshenchas of Almu I’ are quoted in the text.
corresponds to 101-103
p. 43a.1–p. 50b.14
[Serglige Con Culainn] Heading/rubric: ‘Seirgligi Con Culaind inso sís ⁊ óenét Emire’Incipit: ‘OENACH dogníthe la Ultu cecha bliadna [...]’
added by H; from the Lebor buide Sláni
corresponds to 104-126
p. 50
Marginal poem, 1 quatrain, beginning ‘Mian mná Tethrach a tenid’
corresponds to 124
scribal addition Upper margin, in the hand of M.
p. 50b.15–p. 52a.11
[Senchas na relec] Heading/rubric: ‘Senchas na relec inso’Incipit: ‘MÓRRÍ mórbrethach ro gab os Herind’
added by H
corresponds to 127-132
p. 52a.12–p. 53a.32
[Genemain Áedo Sláine] Heading/rubric: ‘Genemain Áeda Sláne inso sís’Incipit: ‘TEMAIR na ríg is si bá dodgnas díles do cech ríg no gebed Herind [...]’
added by H
corresponds to 133-136
p. 53a.33–p. 54b.49
[Tairired na nDéssi] Heading/rubric: ‘Tucait innarba na nDessi i mMumain inso ⁊ aided Chormaic’Incipit: ‘CID dia tá cóechad Cormaic hi Temraig’
corresponds to 137-141