Cronica Hollandiae, Zeelandiae et Frisiae ‘Chronicle of Holland, Zeeland and Frisia’

Hendrik of Gouda
  • Latin
  • prose
  • Non-Celtic texts
Early 16th-century chronicle of Holland, Zeeland, Frisia and other Dutch provinces, compiled by Hendrik of Gouda (Henricus Goude).
It was originally planned to run until 1508/9, but the author remained working on it until 1522 (Carasso-Kok).
Hendrik of GoudaHendrik of Gouda
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Groningen, Universiteitsbibliotheek, MS 129
Autograph copy
The Hague, Royal Library, MS 74 J 46-49
transcript by A. Matthaeus (1702)
The Hague, Royal Library, MS 74 J 40
partial transcript by A. Matthaeus (1702)
  • Latin
early 16th century
monastery of Thabor, near Sneek (Carasso-Kok)
prose (primary)


Non-Celtic textsNon-Celtic texts


Secondary sources (select)

Carasso-Kok, Marijke, Repertorium van verhalende historische bronnen uit de middeleeuwen. Heiligenlevens, annalen, kronieken en ondere in Nederland geschreven verhalende bronnen, Bibliografische reeks van het Nederlands Historisch Genootschap, 2, The Hague: Nijhoff, 1981.
297– [id. 278.]
On the passage concerning St Patrick's Purgatory
Landman, Gert M., “De abdij van Oostbroek en haar Ierse connecties”, De Biltse Grift: Tijdschrift van Historische Kring D’Oude School 20:4 (December, 2011): 98–103.
Landman, Gert M., “Nogmaals Oostbroek: datering in het licht van de Ierse connectie”, De Biltse Grift: Tijdschrift van Historische Kring D’Oude School 21 (2012): 11–20.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2013, last updated: January 2024