
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

Compert Cheltchair meic Uithechair (lost) ‘The birth and conception of Celtchar mac Uthechair’

  • Ulster Cycle
  • extent: not extant


Ulster Cycle
Ulster Cycle
id. 1797

The term ‘Ulster Cycle’ is used in modern scholarship to refer to a body of Irish narrative literature set in the heroic age of the Ulaid around the time of Conchobar mac Nessa.


Celtchar mac UthechairCeltchar mac Uthechair
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Secondary sources (select)

Mac Cana, Proinsias, The learned tales of medieval Ireland, Dublin: DIAS, 1980.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
May 2011, last updated: January 2024