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Colgan (John)

  • d. 1658
  • Irish people, Irish people in continental Europe, scribes, authors, scholars, friars
  • Louvain, St Anthony's College
Irish Franciscan at St Anthony’s College, Louvain; scholar, theologian, editor and hagiographer.
See also: Franciscan friarsFranciscan friars
Franciscans;Franciscan Order;Grey Friars;Friars Minor;OFM
AAT: “Broad term for a Roman Catholic religious order comprising several divisions; founded by St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226). The rule emphasizes the vow of poverty, theology, preaching, and aid to the poor and sick. Different schools of thought among followers developed over the years; St. Bonaventure (1257-1274) founded a moderate interpretation of St. Francis' rule that bridged many of the differences. The independent branches of the order are the First Order of Franciscans: the Observants, the Conventuals, and the Capuchins; the Second Order comprises nuns established by St. Clare under the guidance of St. Francis, known as the Poor Clares; and the Third Order comprising religious and lay men and women, including the Third Order Secular (living in the world without vows) and Third Order Regular (living in religious communities under vow).”
See more
Thomas O'SheerinO'Sheerin (Thomas)
(d. 1673)
O'Sherrin (Thomas);Sirinus (Thomas);Ó Sirin (Tomás)
Thomas O'Sheerin, Sirinus in Latin, Franciscan scholar and publisher; published Patrick Fleming’s Collectanea sacra, posthumously, in 1667.
See more
Hugh WardWard (Hugh)
Mac an Bhaird (Aodh Buidhe)
Irish Franciscan friar, historian and author
See more
See also references for related subjects.
Sharpe, Richard, “Génair Pátraicc: Old Irish between print and manuscript, 1647–1853”, Ériu 68 (2018): 1–28.  
The ninth-century Old Irish poem Génair Pátraicc was printed with a Latin translation by Fr John Colgan at Louvain in 1647 from one of the manuscripts of the Irish Liber Hymnorum, a collection of the late tenth or early eleventh century. Its early entry into print made it, alongside Ní car Brigit, one of the first pieces of Old Irish to be widely available. This produced, in the first instance, a secondary transmission in manuscript, as it re-entered the native tradition; this was followed by numerous reprints, often with translations based on Colgan's Latin. In the late eighteenth century a Modern Irish translation was made and printed on facing pages by Richard Plunket in 1791, which in turn seems to have entered manuscript transmission. Until J.C. Zeuss revealed the grammar of the Old Irish glosses, this poem was the most widely known example of Old Irish, and it was studied as soon as Zeuss's work became available: it provided Whitley Stokes with an early test for Zeuss's results on a work transmitted down the centuries in Ireland, revealed in his letters to John O'Donovan from 1857. Since Stokes's fifth re-editing of the poem in 1903, it has been largely unstudied.
Cunningham, Bernadette, “John Colgan as historian”, in: Raymond Gillespie, and Ruairí Ó hUiginn (eds), Irish Europe, 1600-1650: writing and learning, 5, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. 121–134.
Harris, Jason, and Emma Nic Cárthaigh, “Romancing the bards: early-modern Latin translations of Irish poetry”, Renæssanceforum 6 (2010): 149–165.  
In 1647 John Colgan published a transcript and Latin translation of a mid-ninth-century Irish poem about St Patrick; in 1685 Roderic O'Flaherty produced a series of transcriptions and translations of Old Irish verse in his historical study of Ireland, the Ogygia. This article examines the different approaches to translation employed by these scholars and the linguistic difficulties inherent in the process of translating Old Irish into Latin. The contrast between literal and literary translation is located in the differing antiquarian traditions represented by each author.
Jennings, Brendan, “Micheál Ó Cléirigh, chief of the Four Masters, and his associates”, in: Nollaig Ó Muraíle (ed.), Mícheál Ó Cléirigh, his associates and St Anthony’s College Louvain, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2008. 19–122.
118   [20] “Fr John Colgan's Acta sanctorum
Cunningham, Bernadette, “Seventeenth-century readers of Foras feasa ar Éirinn: Ó Cléirigh, Colgan and Kearney”, in: Pádraig Ó Riain (ed.), Geoffrey Keating’s Foras feasa ar Éirinn: reassessments, 19, London: Irish Texts Society, 2008. 39–51.
OʼDonnell, Terence [ed.], Father John Colgan, O.F.M., 1592–1658: essays in commemoration of the third centenary of his death, Dublin: Assisi, 1959.
Mooney, Canice, “Father John Colgan, O.F.M., his work and times and literary milieu”, in: Terence OʼDonnell [ed.], Father John Colgan, O.F.M., 1592–1658: essays in commemoration of the third centenary of his death, Dublin: Assisi, 1959. 7–40.
Bieler, Ludwig, “John Colgan as editor”, Franciscan Studies 8 (1948): 1–24.
Hull, Vernam, “Keating, Colgan and the Saltair na rann”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 16 (1927): 453–457.
Internet Archive: <link>
Mac Donnell, Charles P., “Notice of some of the Lives which seem to have been ready, or in preparation, for the continuation of the ‘Acta Sanctorum Hiberniæ,’ at the death of Colgan”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 7 (1857–1861): 371–375.
Mac Donnell, Charles P., “On the MSS. of John Colgan, preserved at St. Isidore's, Rome”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 6 (June 12th, 1854, 1853–1857): 95–103.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “Irish library no. 1: Colgan's works”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 295–302.
Internet Archive: <link>
Colgan, John, Trias thaumaturga, reprint ed., Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Edmund Burke, 1997.  
comments: Modern reprint with an introduction by Pádraig Ó Riain
Colgan, John, “Two early modern descriptions of Navan: 1. John Colgan, c.1592–1658”, Emania: Bulletin of the Navan Research Group 1 (1986): 22.
Colgan, John, Acta sanctorum veteris et maioris Scotiæ seu Hiberniæ, sanctorum insulæ, facsimile ed., Irish Manuscripts Commission, Reflex Facsimiles, 5, Dublin: Ordnance Survey, 1948.
Colgan, John, Triadis Thaumaturgæ seu divorum Patricii, Columbæ et Brigidæ, trium veteris et maioris Scotiæ, seu Hiberniæ sanctorum insulae communium patronorum acta, Louvain: apud Cornelium Coenestenium, 1647.  
comments: The title page reads in full (normalised spellng): Triadis Thaumaturgæ, seu divorum Patricii, Columbæ, et Brigidæ, trium veteris et majoris Scotiæ, seu Hiberniæ, Sanctorum insulæ, communium patronorum acta, a variis, iisque pervetustis ac Sanctis, authoribus Scripta, ac studio R.P.F. Joannis Colgani, in conventu F.F. Minor. Hibernor, Stritior, Observ., Lovanii, S. Theologiæ Lectoris Jubilati, ex variis bibliothecis collecta, scholiis et commentariis illustrata, et pluribus appendicibus aucta; complectitur tomus secundus sacrarum ejusdem insulæ antiquitatum, nunc primum in lucem prodiens. <link> Google Books: <link>, <link>
Colgan, John, Acta sanctorum veteris et maioris Scotiæ seu Hiberniæ, sanctorum insulæ, Louvain: Everard De Witte, 1645. <link> Google Books: <link>, <link>