
Bischoff, Bernhard, “Wendepunkte in der Geschichte der lateinischen Exegese im Frühmittelalter”, Sacris Erudiri 6 (1954): 189–279.

  • journal article
Citation details
“Wendepunkte in der Geschichte der lateinischen Exegese im Frühmittelalter”
Related publications
Bischoff, Bernhard, “Turning-points in the history of Latin exegesis in the early Middle Ages”, in: Martin McNamara (ed.), Biblical studies: the medieval Irish contribution, 1, Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1976. 74–160.  
English translation of “Wendepunkte in der Geschichte der lateinischen Exegese im Frühmittelalter”, which originally appeared in Sacris Erudiri 6 (1954).
The Latin Bible: Text and Reception – Index to sources, names and locations mentioned in this article: <link>
Gorman, Michael M., “A critique of Bischoff’s theory of Irish exegesis. The commentary on Genesis in Munich Clm 6302 (Wendepunkte 2)”, Journal of Medieval Latin 7 (1996): 178–233.
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, “Bischoff’s Wendepunkte fifty years on”, Revue Bénédictine 110 (2000): 204–237.
OʼLoughlin, Thomas, “‘Wendepunkte’: manuscript index”, Hiberno-Latin Newsletter 7 (1997): 4–8.
Silagi, Gabriel, “Notwendige Bemerkungen zu Gormans ‘Critique of Bischoff’s theory of Irish exegesis’”, Peritia 12 (1998): 87–94.  
The publication in 1954 of Bischoff’s paper on medieval Irish exegetical texts (‘Wendepunkte’) marked a turning-point in the modern study of Hiberno-Latin literature. However, a recent critique of that paper by Dr Michael Gorman claims to cast doubt on Bischoff’s findings, and on his methodology. That critique has raised issues which it is necessary to confront, and this article offers a reply.
Wright, Charles D., “Bischoff’s theory of Irish exegesis and the Genesis commentary in Munich clm 6302: a critique of a critique”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 10 (2000): 115–175.
Other editions or printings
Bischoff, Bernhard, Mittelalterliche Studien: ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Schriftkunde und Literaturgeschichte, 3 vols, vol. 1, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1966.
Subjects and topics
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2015, last updated: January 2019