verse beg. Anocht sgaoilid na sgola

Tadhg Óg Ó hUiginn
  • Early Modern Irish
  • verse
  • Classical Irish poetry, Bardic poetry
An elegy on the death of the poet's older brother, Fearghal Ruadh Ó hUiginn.
First words (verse)
  • Anocht sgaoilid na sgola
“Tonight the schools disperse”
Ó hUiginn (Tadhg Óg)
Ó hUiginn (Tadhg Óg)
(d. 1448)
Irish bardic poet of the Uí hUiginn of Connacht, son of poet Tadhg Ó hUiginn. His extant work reveals a wide range of elite patrons for whom he composed poems.

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Ascribed to: Ó hUiginn (Tadhg Óg)
Ó hUiginn (Tadhg Óg)
(d. 1448)
Irish bardic poet of the Uí hUiginn of Connacht, son of poet Tadhg Ó hUiginn. His extant work reveals a wide range of elite patrons for whom he composed poems.

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A poet of the Ó hUiginn family in Connacht
  • Early Modern Irish
c. 1400
verse (primary)
Number of stanzas: 30


Classical Irish poetryClassical Irish poetry

Bardic poetryBardic poetry


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Bergin, Osborn, “38: Anocht sgaoilid na sgola”, in: Osborn Bergin, Irish bardic poetry: texts and translations, together with an introductory lecture, ed. Fergus Kelly, and David Greene, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1970. 147–149.
CELT – edition: <link>
[ed.] Bergin, Osborn, “Unpublished Irish poems XXV — On the breaking up of a school”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 13:49 (1924): 85–90.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
July 2012, last updated: January 2024