Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

  • Old English, Latin
  • Anglo-Saxon texts


Anglo-Saxon textsAnglo-Saxon texts


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

Dumville, David, and Simon Keynes (general editors), The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1983-...:
[ed.] Dumville, David [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 1. Facsimile of MS. F.: The Domitian bilingual, Cambridge: Brewer, 1995.
[ed.] Bately, Janet M. [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 3. MS. A: a semi-diplomatic edition with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 1986.
[ed.] Taylor, Simon [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 4. MS. B: a semi-diplomatic edition with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 1983.
[ed.] OʼBrien OʼKeeffe, Katherine [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 5. MS. C: a semi-diplomatic edition, with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 2001.
[ed.] Cubbin, G. P. [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 6. MS. D: a semi-diplomatic edition with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 1996.
[ed.] Irvine, Susan [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 7. MS. E: a semi-diplomatic edition, with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 2004.
[ed.] Baker, Peter S. [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 8: MS F: a semi-diplomatic edition with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 2000.
[ed.] Conner, Patrick W. [ed.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 9. The Abingdon Chronicle, A.D. 956-1066 (MS. C., with reference to BDE): a reconstructed edition with introduction and indices, Cambridge: Brewer, 1996.
See also in this series:
[ed.] Dumville, David N., and Michael Lapidge [eds.], The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition, vol. 17. The annals of St. Neots with Vita prima Sancti Neoti, Cambridge: Brewer, 1985.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2010, last updated: January 2024