
The petition ‘Save the Bachelor Celtic’ has closed with as many as 7227 signatures!

Read this word of thanks from Nike Stam.


Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum, multiple, London: Trustees.

  • Book/Monograph
Citation details
Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum (multiple vols)
Parts indexed separately
List of additions made to the collections in the British Museum in the year MDCCCXXXI [1831], London: Trustees, 1833.  

Manuscripts (pp. 1-26) -- Printed books (pp. 27-103) -- Natural history (104-117) -- Antiquities, coins, etc. (118-120) -- Prints (121-122) -- Appendix.

Internet Archive: <link>
List of additions made to the collections in the British Museum in the year MDCCCXXXII [1832], London: Trustees, 1834.  

The section on manuscripts (pp. 1-22) includes brief notices for Egerton MSS 68-253 (pp. 10-22); Add. Ch. 871-873 (p. 22).

Internet Archive: <link>
List of additions made to the collections in the British Museum in the year MDCCCXXXIII [1833], London: Trustees, 1835.  

Manuscript section (pp. 1-33) includes: Add. MSS 9408 ff, charters (Add. Ch.), papyri. rolls.

Internet Archive: <link>
List of additions made to the collections in the British Museum in the year MDCCCXXXIV [1834], London: Trustees, 1837.  

Manuscripts (pp. 1-13), incl. further items in the Additional series (9373 ... 9825), Egerton MSS 263-283, Add. Ch., etc.

Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
List of additions made to the collections in the British Museum in the year MDCCCXXXV [1835], London: Trustees, 1839.  

Manuscripts (pp. 1-35): Additional (9827 ... 10018), Add. Ch., Egerton (284-606), etc.

Internet Archive: <link>
List of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCXXXVI–MDCCCXL [1836–1840], London: Trustees, 1843.  
Add. MSS 9913-14, 9950, 10013–11748; Egerton MSS 607–888, Add. Ch. 1054–5142, etc.
Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCXLI–MDCCCXLV [1841–1845], London: Trustees, 1850.  
Add. MSS 11749–15667, Egerton MSS 889–1139, Add. Ch. 5143–6292, seals, papyri.
Google Books: <link> Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCXLVI–MDCCCXLVII [1846–1847], London: Trustees, 1864.  
Add. MSS 15668–17277, Add. Ch. 6293–6338, Bibl. Egerton 1140–1149, seals, etc.
Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCXLVIII–MDCCCLIII [1848–1853], London: Trustees, 1868.  
Add. 17278–19719, Add. Roll/Ch. 6339–8515, seals, Bibl. Eg. 1150–1636.
Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years [1854–1875, vol. 1:] MDCCCLIV–MDCCCLX [1854–1860], London: Trustees, 1875.  
Additional MSS 19720–24026.
Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCLIV–MDCCCLXXV [1854–1875], vol. 2: 1861–1875, London: Trustees, 1877.  
Add. MSS 24027-29909, Add. Ch. 8516-24745, Detached seals and cassts, papyri, Egerton MSS 1637–2399, Egerton Ch. 103–416.
Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCLXXVI–MDCCCLXXXI [1876–1881], London: Trustees, 1882.  
Add. MSS 29910–31896, Add. Ch. 24746–27004, seals, papyri, Egerton MSS 2400–2600, Egerton Ch. 417–485. For manuscripts of Irish interest, see especially Add. MSS 30512 and 31872–31888.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCLXXXII–MDCCCLXXXVII [1882–1887], London: Trustees, 1889.  
Add. MSS 31897–33344, Add. Ch. 27005–32899, seals and casts, papyri, Egerton MSS 2601–2678, Egerton Ch. 486–584.
Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years DCCCLXXXVIII–MDCCCXCIII [1888–1893], London: Trustees, 1894.  
Add. MSS 33345–34526, Add. Ch. 32900–39995, seals, papyri, Egerton MSS 2679–2790, Egerton Ch. 585–618.
Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1894–1899, London: Trustees, 1901.  
Add. MSS 34527–36297, Add. Ch. 39996–44890, seals, papyri, Egerton MSS 2791–2826, Egerton Ch. 619-20.
Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCC–MDCCCCV [1900–1905], London: Trustees, 1907.  
Add. MSS 36298-37232, Egerton MSS 2827-2861, Add. Ch. 44891-54008, etc.
Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCCVI–MDCCCCX [1906–1910], London: Trustees, 1912.  
Add. MSS 37233–38091, Egerton MSS 2862–2889, Add. Ch. 15007–55544, Egerton Ch. 621, seals, papyri, facsimiles.
Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum, MDCCCXI–MDCCCXV [1911–1915], London: Trustees, 1925.  
Additional manuscripts (38092-39255), Egerton manuscripts (2890-2909), Additional charters and rolls, Detached seals and casts, Papyri, Facsimiles of manuscripts.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum, 1916–1920, London: Trustees, 1933.  
Add. MSS 39256-40015; Egerton MSS 2910-3030; Add. Ch. and Rolls 62171-62758; Egerton Ch. and Rolls 622-2116, detached seals and casts, papyri, facsimiles of manuscripts.
Internet Archive: <link>
Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum, 1921–1925, London: Trustees, 1950.  
Additional MSS 40016-41295; Egerton MSS 3031-3038 ; Additional Ch. and Rolls 62759-66689; Detached Seals and Casts CLXVII-CLXXII ; Papyri 2240-2740; Facsimiles of MSS 136, 165, 171, 183, Suppl. III.
Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum, 1926–1930, London: British Museum, 1959.  
Additional MSS 41296-42181; Egerton MSS 3039-3048; Additional Ch. and Rolls 66690-67799; Detached seals and casts; Papyri; Facsimiles of MSS.
Catalogue of additions to manuscripts in the British Museum, 1931–1935, London: British Museum, 1967.  
Additional MSS 42182-42864, 43039-44085; Egerton MSS 3049-3135; Additional Ch. and Rolls 2117-2178; Detached seals and casts; Papyri; Facsimiles of MSS.
Related publications
British Library: archives and manuscripts, Online: British Library. URL: <>.
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catalogues of manuscripts
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Dennis Groenewegen
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February 2014, last updated: April 2020