Ó Muraíle, Nollaig, Leabhar mór na ngenealach: The great book of Irish genealogies, vol. 3: Kings, Vikings, Normans; ‘Index’; Topographical poems; Shorter books of genealogies, Dublin: De Búrca, 2003.
- Book/Monograph
- Triallam timcheall na Fódla, ascr. to Seaán Ó Dubhagáin
- Tuilleadh feasa ar Éirinn óigh, long poem ascr. to Giolla na Naomh Ó hUidhrín
- Foras focal luaighthear libh, ascr. to Seaán Ó Dubhagáin
(d. 1671)
Dubhaltach (Óg) Mac Fhir Bhisigh, Irish historian and scribe, member of the learned Mac Fhir Bhisigh family in Connacht
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