verse beg. Tegh Mulling meic Faolain

  • Irish
  • verse
Irish poem (5 stt of three lines each) attributed to Colum Cille.
First words (verse)
  • Tegh Mulling meic Faolain
Ascribed to: Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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f. 38r(65).9–24
rubric: ‘Colum Cille cecinit’
beg. ‘Tegh Mulling meic Faolain’

5 stt.

  • Irish
verse (primary)
Number of stanzas: 5 stt.



Mo Ling
Mo Ling
(d. 697)
Irish saint, abbot and patron saint of Tech Mo Ling (St Mullins, Co. Carlow) and reputed ‘bishop’ of Ferna (Ferns).

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Tech Mo Ling
Tech Mo Ling ... St Mullins, St Mullin's
County Carlow
No short description available

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Stokes, Whitley [ed.], “Poems ascribed to S. Moling”, in: Osborn Bergin, R. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, and J. G. OʼKeeffe (eds), Anecdota from Irish manuscripts, vol. 2, Halle and Dublin, 1908. 20–41.  

Poems ascribed to Mo Ling and related poems from Brussels MS 5100-4, pp. 50-67: 1. Tainic rath forettarsa, 18qq (pp. 20-22); 2. Glend na n-aingel n-ainglidhe, 14qq (22-23); 3. Moling cecinit. Gair na Gairbhe glebinne, 18qq (23-24) and scribal colophon; 4. Cros an Choimdhedh cumachtaigh, 12qq (25); 5. Moling cecinit. A bhen Graig is graccda sain, 24qq (26-28); 6. Molling cecinit. Daigh Cairill ticfa im dail, 4qq (28); 7. A Mulling, na mill mo tuat[h]a, 3qq (28); 8. Angelus Dei et Mulling dixit. Gabhal do sruth Órt[h]anain, 3qq (29); 9. Mulling cecinit. Mo muilendsa is geb dedáil, 5qq (29); 10. Mulling cecinit. Cellan cille Daimcinn duir, 5qq (30); 11. Mulling. Tangas cuccam o Choin Cruacan, 3qq (30); 12. Mulling cecinit. Cech righdamhna Raigne, 3qq (31); 13. Mulling. Cech fer cloinne Conallaig, 3qq (31); 14. Mulling cecinit. Bennacht lem do Chiarraighibh, 5qq (31-32); 15. Mulling cecinit. IS feta in t-airiughadh, 8qq (32); 16. Mulling cecinit. Féocháine mac Brain, 3qq (32-33); 17. Mulling. A Meic Muire it foircclidhe, 3qq (33); 18. Mulling cecinit. Bennacht in Coimdedh do nimh, 4qq (33); 19. Mulling cecinit. Hua Briuin occom riaruccud, 6qq (34); 20. Mulling cecinit, nisi vel potius Dunchadh de quo in fine. Hui Degadh Osraighe áin, 24qq, and marginal note (34-36); 21. Mulling cecinit. Uamhain Gall tainic Muling, 21qq (36-38); 22. Mulling cecinit. Disert mBrecain sunn istleiph, 4qq (39); 23. Colum cille cecinit. Tegh Mulling meic Faolain, 5stt (39-40); 24. Mulling cecinit. A meic madatt buan, 19qq (40-41).

Celtic Digital Initiative: <link> Internet Archive – Anecdota vols 1-5: <link>
39–40 [id. 23.]
Translation wanted
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2022, last updated: June 2023