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Corrigan, Sarah, “In Pentateuchum commentarii on the Red Sea crossing: content, composition, and coherence”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 29 (2019): 21–57.

This article presents a case study analyzing the composition and content of the anonymous seventh- to eighth-century In Pentateuchum commentarii, specifically the β recension. This recension contains interpolated passages mostly not attributable to any identified sources. These are less polished than the core text shared by all the recensions, which draws heavily on Isidore and Origen-Rufinus. The interpolations in the texts analyzed here - commenting on Exodus 14 - constitute nonetheless a coherent section of the commentary that demonstrates knowledge of patristic sources and presents a range of interpretations complementary to the core text. I identify several connections between this recension and certain patristic and early medieval sources that help to locate it within the scholarly culture of the early medieval Latin West. These sources include the ps. Hilarian Tractatus in septem epistolas canonicas and the Frigulus Commentary on Matthew, reused in the anonymous Liber questionum in Euangeliis, as well as the Quaestiones in Heptateuchum of Augustine.

Cet article présente une étude de cas analysant la composition et le contenu d'un texte anonyme datant du VIIe au VIIIe siècle, In Pentateuchum commentarii, plus spécifiquement la recension β de ce texte. Cette recension renferme des passages interpolés qu'il n'est pas possible, dans la majorité des cas, d'attribuer à des sources identifiables. Ces passages sont moins soignés que le texte de base qu'on retrouve dans toutes les recensions et qui puise clairement chez l'œuvre d'Isidore et d'Origène-Rufin. Dans les textes analysés dans la présente étude, les interpolations, qui commentent l'Exode 14, constituent néanmoins une section cohérente du commentaire, lequel démontre une connaissance des sources patristiques et présente un ensemble d'interprétations venant completer le texte de base. J'ai identifié plusieurs liens entre cette recension et certains textes patristiques et alto-médiévaux, qui nous aident à situer la recension au cœur de la culture savante de l'Occident latin du haut Moyen Âge. Parmi ces sources, on retrouve le Tractatus in septem epistolas canonicas du pseudo-Hilaire, le Commentaire sur Matthieu de Frigulus, qui est repris dans le Liber questionum in Euangeliis anonyme ainsi que dans les Quaestiones in Heptateuchum d'Augustin.

Scheirer, Christopher R. J., “The eighth-century sermon De reddendis decimis in London, British Library, MS Royal 5.E.XIII and Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, MS Aug. perg. 254: edition, translation, and commentary”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 27 (2017): 133–164.
This article explores the history and textual relationships of the unpublished tithing sermon De reddendis decimis. The sermon, which was likely composed in the eighth century, survives in two manuscript witnesses of the eighth and ninth century, both of which have strong Hiberno-Latin affiliations. In addition to presenting an edition, translation, and full commentary on the text, I trace the sermon’s transmission history and manuscript context, and reveal its debt to a variety of late-antique, early-medieval, and apocryphal literary sources. The collocation of these material, textual, and orthographical features, I argue, locates this sermon’s origin in a Continental monastic center under the strong influence of Irish textual and intellectual traditions.
Herren, Michael W., “Comedy, irony, and philosophy in late antique prosimetra: Menippean satire from the fifth to the eighth century”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 27 (2017): 241–275.
The author examines in chronological order the main examples of Latin works generally claimed to be Menippean satires from Roman times (by Varro, Seneca, Petronius) to the Cosmography of Aethicus Ister, written just before the middle of the eighth century C.E. He argues that the satires composed from the end of the fifth century to the middle of the eighth (by Martianus Capella, Ennodius, Boethius, Fulgentius, Virgilius Maro Grammaticus, and ps. Jerome) constitute a separate branch of the tradition. These works cohere in their attachment to an encyclopedic, or generally didactic, intent, the use of fabula or allegory, and a commitment to the anagogic or ennobling function of literature, all the while maintaining many of the classical features of the genre - the prosimetrical form, dialogic structure, comedy, irony, and engagement with philosophy. The author also debates with modern critics such as Mikhail Bakhtin and Northrop Frye and their endeavour to establish a definition of Menippean that is valid for all periods. It is argued that Latin (both Roman and late late antique) examples alone preserve the original form derived from Menippus that requires the mixture of prose and poetry, i.e. the prosimetrum. The prosimetrum is not merely formal, but operates in service to the dialectic inherent in the genre. The author argues that with the sundering of form from mode (the topoi and literary techniques identified in the genre) that Menippean satire essentially died and had to be reinvented.
Heikkinen, Seppo, “Poet, scholar, trickster: Israel the Grammarian and his Versus de arte metrica”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 25 (2015): 81–110.
Israel the Grammarian was a tenth-century scholar and poet of presumably Breton origin, who played an influential role in King Æthelstan’s court before becoming tutor to Bruno, the future archbishop of Cologne. This article focuses on his hexameter poem “Versus Israhelis de arte metrica super nomen et uerbum,” a discussion of the prosody of final syllables, addressed to Bishop Robert of Trier, Israel’s patron. While on the surface the “Versus de arte metrica” appear to be a didactic poem, it has, in reality, probably been intended as an academic parlour game that tests the reader’s command of Latin grammar and grammatical literature. At the same time, it reflects the central role of inflectional paradigms and the emergence of inflection tables in medieval Latin instruction.
OʼHara, Alexander, “The Babenbergs and the cult of St. Coloman: saint formation and political cohesion in eleventh-Century Austria”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 25 (2015): 131–172.
In 1012 an Irish pilgrim following the overland pilgrimage route to Jerusalem was murdered by the inhabitants of Stockerau near Vienna on the false suspicion that he was a Czech spy. Following his death, miracles began to occur and he came to be venerated as a saint by the local people. In 1015 renown of this new saint came to the attention of the ruler of this frontier region of the Eastern March of Bavaria, the Babenberg margrave, Henry I. The margrave appropriated the incorrupt body of the martyr and took it to his stronghold at Melk. The spiritual power of the new saint was a valuable asset for Henry, a marcher lord in the process of consolidating his power base in this volatile, frontier region. This article considers the role of the cult of St. Coloman in affirming Babenberg power and authority and in the process helping to shape a new identity for the region that would become Austria. It presents a new edition and English translation of the Passio et Miracula S. Cholomanni, a composite work of hagiography from the eleventh and twelfth centuries and the principal source for the cult of St. Coloman.
Henley, Georgia, “Quotation, revision, and narrative structure in Giraldus Cambrensis’s Itinerarium Kambriae”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 24 (2014): 1–52.
Giraldus Cambrensis is renowned for his historical and ethnographic works on Ireland and Wales. His sources for these texts are less clear, and the purpose of this article is to examine his usage of classical, biblical, and patristic texts as sources for quotations in the Itinerarium Kambriae, with reference to his other works when necessary. It argues that the quotations which appear in the text as altered from the original source are not the result of misquotation or faulty memory, as has been claimed previously, but of deliberate reworking to fit the context and the argument of the passage in which the quotation appears. This deft manipulation of quotations to support his argument reveals a level of rhetorical skill and awareness not previously acknowledged. The article also finds attribution for several quotations whose origins were previously unknown. As Giraldus was in the habit of adding quotations and self-quoted passages to his works over time, this discussion is followed by an examination of his revisions to the Itinerarium Kambriae and the implications of these revisions on the transmission of his work.
Petruccione, John F., “The glosses of Prudentius’s Peristephanon in Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Burmann Quarto 3 (Bur. Q. 3) and their relationship to a lost commentary”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 23 (2013): 295–333.
Burmann Quarto 3, a ninth-century manuscript of the works of Prudentius, is well known to philologists and art historians, to the former (under the siglum E) as a major source for the text of the poems, to the latter for its illustrations of the Psychomachia. This article focuses on the glosses to Peristephanon. First, I describe the hands of the seven main glossators and attempt to identify those who, in addition to glossing, corrected and/or punctuated the poetic text. I then provide the editio princeps of the glosses, in which I arrange the glosses by hand. A comparison of these glosses with those in Paris, B.N. lat. 8086 (P) suggests that the first two glossators of E and the first glossator of P drew on a common source; indeed, the two manuscripts show so many similarities that it looks quite possible that they were written in the same scriptorium. From a comparison of the E and P glosses on Pe. to those found in other manuscripts of approximately the same period, I infer that E and P preserve material from a lost commentary on Pe. composed by Johannes Scotus Eriugena, which, a generation later, became the basis for the extant commentary by Remigius of Auxerre. I find support for this theory in the fact that, in their wording and content, the glosses of E and P on Contra Symmachum sometimes agree with those of John against the corresponding glosses of Remigius.
Herren, Michael W., “John Scottus and Greek mythology: reprising an ancient hermeneutic in the Paris commentary on Martianus Capella”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 22 (2012): 95–116.
The essay opens with a brief discussion of Martianus Capella’s De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, and sets out some possible reasons for its popularity with medieval scholars. De nuptiis was known in Ireland by the seventh century, and John Scottus Eriugena might have read it there. In any case, he wrote two versions of a commentary on the work, the longer of which (P = Paris, BnF, MS lat. 12960) is considerably more interesting for its exegetical method. The allegoresis of secular texts had been largely neglected since Fulgentius (sixth century), and was only reprised in the diffuse commentary tradition on Martianus that preceded Eriugena’s study of that text. However, in the P commentary John appears to be working towards a sophisticated exegetical system that embodies what the author himself calls “the laws of allegory.” John employs the terms fabulose and physice (“in the mythical sense” and “in the physical sense”), which, as is argued, correspond to Neoplatonic psychological allegoresis and Stoic physical allegoresis respectively. Although the terms appear to be similar to those used by Augustine in the De civitate Dei (drawing on Varro), John uses them differently. The source of his terminology remains problematic, though one might speculate on the use of a Greek work.
(source: Brepols)
Boyle, Elizabeth, “The authorship and transmission of De tribus habitaculis animae”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 22 (2012): 49–65.
This paper argues that Aubrey Gwynn’s attribution of the Latin treatise De tribus habitaculis animae to Patrick, bishop of Dublin (d. 1084), is based on flawed argumentation. The manuscript evidence and the early transmission of the text suggest that it should be regarded as the work of an unknown pseudo-Patrick. Stylistic features are highlighted which argue against the author of De tribus habitaculis animae being identified with the author of the corpus of poetry also attributed to Patrick of Dublin. The English transmission of the text, and its ascription to a sanctus Patricius episcopus, is discussed in relation to English interest in the cult of St. Patrick in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries.
(source: Brepols)
Smyth, Marina, “The seventh-century Hiberno-Latin treatise Liber de ordine creaturarum. A translation”, Journal of Medieval Latin 21 (2011): 137–222.
This article consists of both an introduction to, and a translation of the Liber de ordine creaturarum, an anonymous treatise written in Ireland in the second half of the seventh century. After summarizing the theological and cosmological content of the treatise, the introduction examines the date, the early manuscripts, the linguistic features and other elements in the text pointing towards an Irish environment. The reception of the Liber de ordine creaturarum is also traced: its influence was particularly strong in Anglo-Saxon England, but early Irish and Anglo-Saxon missionary activity and the mistaken attribution to Isidore of Seville ensured that the treatise spread throughout most of medieval Europe.
(source: Brepols)
Pollard, Richard Matthew, “Denuo on Lucan, the Orpheus and ‘Aethicus Ister’: nihil sub sole novum”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010): 58–69.
Herren, Michael, “François Kerlouégan (1933–2009)”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010): xiv–xvii.
Reid, Jennifer Karyn, “Patrician and Augustinian ideas of the ‘inner man’”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010): 16–37.
Cain, Andrew, “Patrick’s Confessio and Jerome’s Epistula 52 to Nepotian”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010): 1–15.
Perkins, Nicholas, “Biblical allusion and prophetic authority in Gildas’s De excidio Britanniae”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010): 78–112.
Meeder, Sven, “The Liber ex lege Moysi: notes and text”, Journal of Medieval Latin 19 (2009): 173–218.
Follett, Westley, “Archangelum mirum magnum: an Hiberno-Latin hymn attributed to Máel Rúain of Tallaght”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 19 (2009).
Naismith, Rory, “Real and metaphorical libraries in Virgil the Grammarian’s Epitomae and Epistolae”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 19 (2009): 148–172.
Forrai, Réka, “The notes of Anastasius on Eriugena’s translation of the Corpus Dionysiacum”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 18 (2008): 74–100.
Lafferty, Maura, “Educating a virgin: a proposed emendation of Conchubranus, Vita S. Monennae 1.3”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 15 (2005): 237–245.
Breeze, Andrew, “Celtic symptoms in De abbatibus and Altercatio magistri et discipuli”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 15 (2005): 148–152.
Winterbottom, Michael, “An edition of Faricius, Vita S. Aldhelmi”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 15 (2005): 93–147.
Reid, Jennifer, “The Lorica of Laidcenn: the biblical connections”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 12 (2002): 141–153.
Herren, Michael W., “The ‘Greek element’ in the Cosmographia of Aethicus Ister”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 11 (2001): 184–200.
Orchard, Andy, “The Hisperica famina as literature”, Journal of Medieval Latin 10 (2000): 1–45.
Wright, Charles D., “Bischoff’s theory of Irish exegesis and the Genesis commentary in Munich clm 6302: a critique of a critique”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 10 (2000): 115–175.
Lapidge, Michael, “A metrical Vita S. Iudoci from tenth-century Winchester”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 10 (2000): 255–306.
Gorman, Michael M., “A critique of Bischoff’s theory of Irish exegesis. The commentary on Genesis in Munich Clm 6302 (Wendepunkte 2)”, Journal of Medieval Latin 7 (1996): 178–233.
OʼLoughlin, Thomas, “Adomnán and Arculf: the case of an expert witness”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 7 (1996): 127–146.
Gwara, Scott, “A record of Anglo-Saxon pedagogy: Aldhelm’s Epistola ad Heahfridum and its gloss”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 6 (1996): 84–134.
Knappe, Gabriele, “On rhetoric and grammar in the Hisperica famina”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 4 (1994): 130–162.
Conybeare, Catherine, “Re-reading St. Patrick”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 4 (1994): 39–50.
Stanton, Robert, “Columbanus, Letter 1: translation and commentary”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 3 (1993): 149–168.
Shanzer, Danuta, “Iuvenes vestri visiones videbunt: visions and the literary sources of Patrick’s Confessio”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 3 (1993): 169–201.
Sharpe, Richard, “An Irish textual critic and the Carmen paschale of Sedulius: Colmán’s letter to Feradach”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 2 (1992): 44–54.
Sidwell, Keith, “Theodulf of Orléans, Cadac-Andreas and Old Irish phonology: a conundrum”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 2 (1992): 55–62.
Reeve, Michael D., “The transmission of the Historia regum Britanniae”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 1 (1991): 73–117.

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