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The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 28 (1910)

The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 30 (1911)

The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 29 (1911)

Pseudonymous, ‘Fragment from ‘Leabhar Breac’ - II’, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 29 (1911)

Pseudonymous, ‘Fragment from ‘Leabhar Breac’’, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 28 (1910)

Sylvester Malone, Church history of Ireland: from the Anglo-Norman invasion to the reformation, with succession of bishops down to the present day, vol. 2 (1880)

Robert Amiet, ‘Une Admonitio synodalis de l’époque carolingienne: étude critique et édition’, Mediaeval Studies 25 (1964)

Charles West, ‘The earliest form and function of the Admonitio synodalis’, Frühmittelalterliche Studien 57 (2023)

Sylvester Malone, Church history of Ireland: from the Anglo-Norman invasion to the reformation, with succession of bishops down to the present day, vol. 1 (1880)

John Bradley • Conleth Manning • D. Newman Johnson, ‘Excavations at Duiske abbey, Graiguenamanagh, Co. Kilkenny’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 81 C (1981)

Géraldine H. Carville, Norman splendour: Duiske abbey, Graignamanagh (1979)

Edward W. Hughes, ‘Duiske abbey, Graignamanagh: abbey triumphant’, Old Kilkenny Review (NS) 1 (1974–1978)

Marie Therese Flanagan, Monastic charters from Irish kings of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries (1972)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 6 (1911)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 8 (1920)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 7 (1912)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 5 (1908)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 4 (1906)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 3 (1904)

Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K. P., preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series, vol. 2 (1903)