The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

Short Latin chronicle of Scottish history, the earliest of its kind, which is preserved in a single manuscript (BNF lat. 4162, or the Poppleton MS). The core of the text, which takes its structure from a regnal list, covers the period between the reigns of Cináed mac Ailpín (d. 858) and Cináed mac Maíl Choluim (d. 995), who appears to have been still alive when his reign was added. The form in which this text has come down, however, is in a later redaction, possibly of the 12th century, surviving in a 14th-century manuscript.

Manuscript witnesses

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS lat. 4126 
incipit: Kinadius igitur filius Alpini primus Scottorum rexit feliciter istam annis xui. Pictauiam   No heading.
f. 28va.30–f. 29va.31


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Hudson, Benjamin T., “‘The Scottish Chronicle’”, The Scottish Historical Review 77:2 (October, 1998): 129–161.

Secondary sources (select)

Woolf, Alex, From Pictland to Alba, 789–1070, The New Edinburgh History of Scotland, 2, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
88–93 (introduction), 94–102, 104–109, 112–113, 115–123, etc.
Dumville, David N., “The chronicle of the kings of Alba”, in: Simon Taylor (ed.), Kings, clerics and chronicles in Scotland, 500–1297: essays in honour of Marjorie Ogilvie Anderson on the occasion of her ninetieth birthday, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000. 73–86.
Hudson, Benjamin T., “The language of the Scottish Chronicle and its European context”, Scottish Gaelic Studies 18 (1998): 57–73.
Cowan, Edward J., “The Scottish chronicle in the Poppleton manuscript”, The Innes Review 32:1 (Spring, 1981): 3–21.