Results for C (1305)
Not yet published.
  • s. xvii
Not yet published.
  • s. xvi/xvii
Not yet published.
  • s. xvii
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 1.362
Not yet published.
  • s. xivin
Not yet published.
  • s. xii/xiii
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.25
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.26
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.39
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.40

Manuscript known best as the Book of Aneirin (Llyfr Aneirin), containing the heroic poem Y Gododdin and a number of gorchanau.

  • s. xiii2
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.112
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.141
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.615
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.617
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.621
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 2.624
Not yet published.
  • 1536
  • s. xvi4/4
  • Antoni Powell
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 3.12
  • Cardiff, Central Library, MS 3.37