Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318 cols 573–958 = section of the Yellow Book of Lecan
  • s. xivex/xvin
Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 6, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  

Numbered pp. 1926–2343; diplomatic edition of legal material from: Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1336 (continued) -- Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1387 -- Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502 --  Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1308 --  London, British Library, MS Additional 4783 --  London, British Library, MS Nero A 7 --  Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, MS NKS 261b --  Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 3 --  Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 11 --  Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS C i 2 --  Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318/16 --  Dublin, Trinity College, MS E 3. 3.

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318, cols 920-938
Ó Riain, Pádraig [ed.], Cath Almaine, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series, 25, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.
CELT – edition: <link>
17–31   “Yellow Book of Lecan; Book of Fermoy”
Diplomatic edition of the manuscript texts from YBL (given at the top of the page) and the Book of Fermoy (bottom of the page).
Dillon, Myles, “A note on the texts of Cath Maige Rath preserved in the Yellow Book of Lecan”, Éigse 7:3 (1955): 199–201.
Knott, Eleanor [ed.], Togail bruidne Da Derga, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series, 8, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1936.
CELT – edition: <link> Internet Archive: <link>  : <link>
OʼKeeffe, J. G. [ed.], “Mac Dá Cherda and Cummaine Foda”, Ériu 5 (1911): 18–44.  
An edition and translation of three texts from YBL concerning (Comgán) Mac Dá Cherda and Cummíne Fota: (1) YBL, col. 335 (The dialogue of Cummíne and Comgán); (2) YBL, col. 797, and Harley 5280 (Scéla Guairi meic Colmáin ⁊ Meic Teléne or The trial of Mac Teléne); (3) YBL, col. 798 (The adventures of Mac Dá Cherda).
Internet Archive: <link>
Stokes, Whitley [ed. and tr.], “The destruction of Dá Derga’s hostel”, Revue Celtique 22 (1901): 9–61, 165–215, 282–329, 390–437, 260 (erratum).
CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive: <link>, <link> Internet Archive – reprint: <link>
OʼCurry, Eugene [ed. and tr.], “The ‘Trí thruaighe na scéalaigheachta’ (i.e. the ‘Three most sorrowful tales’,) of Erinn. — I. ‘The exile of the children of Uisnech’”, The Atlantis 3:4 (1862): 377–422.  
comments: Edited from YBL
HathiTrust – originally from Google Books: <link>

Results for Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318/16 (1)
  • s. xivex/xvin
  • Giolla Íosa Mac Fhir Bhisigh