
General category: English manuscripts

Results (1–25/140)
The present classification is only rudimentary. It will ultimately be replaced by a new system with greater care for data concerning each manuscript’s date, origin and provenance.
Not yet published.

A part of the ‘Cotton-Corpus legendary’ which covers feast-days for the months of October, November and December. The other parts of the legendary are to be found in London, British Library, MS Cotton Nero E i.

  • s. xi2

Various transcripts, including one of Vita Ælfredi regis from what was London, British Library, MS Cotton Otho A xii (before the 1731 fire), created for Matthew Parker at a time when Parker had not yet added his interpolations to the exemplar.

  • c. 1550 x 1574

A vellum manuscript of northern English provenance.

  • c. 1170

Manuscript of two independent volumes. The first volume contains the A-version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (ff 1r-32r).

  • s. ix-xi + s. viii-ix

A manuscript collection of canon law, including a number of Old English texts.

  • s. xi2
Not yet published.

A composite manuscript mostly containing works by Gerald of Wales.

  • s. xii–xvi
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 400
  • s. xiiiin
Not yet published.

Slip from a Northumbrian gospel fragment (Durham, Cathedral Library, MS A.II.17).

  • s. viiex/viiiin
Not yet published.

Northern English manuscript compilation of historical prose and verse, in French and to a lesser extent in Latin, notably a copy of Pierre Langtoft’s Chronicle. It includes material relating to the Trojan foundation legend, to Edward I, II and III, Merlinic prophecies and the bishops of England and Wales. M. R. James suggests that the “author may be connected with Durham”.

  • s. xiv

Manuscript of the Epistles of St Paul, written by an Irish scribe, presumably in Northumbria. It belongs with four leaves of BL, MS Cotton Vitellius C vii. 

  • s. viii
  • Anonymous [hand of CTC B.10.5]
Not yet published.

A large English manuscript volume in three separately foliated segments.

  • s. xiv–xv

English composite manuscript which seems to consist of parts of two originally independent compilations: I. a 12th-century MS of Sawley provenance (pp. 1-40, 73-252), and II. a 14th-century MS of Bury St Edmunds (pp. 253-642, 41-72). Neither is complete since part I belongs together with CCCC MS 66, and part II with CCCC MS 66A. This arrangement was made in the 16th century, when Matthew Parker took the Sawley and Bury St Edmunds manuscripts, split each of them, rebound the material and donated the combined second halves to Corpus Christi College.

  • s. xii–xiv
Cambridge, University Library, MS Ff. 1. 27
  • s. xii
Not yet published.
  • s. xiv
Not yet published.

Composite work consisting of an early 9th-century Mercian prayerbook and two accretions of later date.

  • s. xiii/xiv + s. ixin + s. xivex/xvin

Southumbrian, probably Mercian liturgical manuscript of the early 9th century containing extracts from the four Gospels, a collection of hymns and prayers, and an abbreviated Psalter. It is introduced by an Old English exhortation to prayer and concludes with a dramatic piece about the Harrowing of Hell. Signs of Irish influence in the style and contents of the manuscript have led scholars to regard the Book of Cerne as a witness to a shared Hiberno-Saxon monastic culture, although some of the details are disputed.

  • s. ix1
Not yet published.

A large English manuscript in three segments.

  • s. xivex