
Knott (Eleanor)

  • d. 1975
  • (agents)
Knott, Eleanor, and D. A. Binchy (eds), Ériu 20 (1966), Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Knott, Eleanor, “foclóir”, Ériu 19 (1962): 122.
Knott, Eleanor, “Richard Irvine Best, 1872–1959”, Ériu 19 (1962): 123–125.
Knott, Eleanor, and D. A. Binchy (eds), Ériu 19 (1962), Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Knott, Eleanor, “Mac an Bhaird's elegy on the Ulster lords”, Celtica 5 (1960): 161–171.
Knott, Eleanor, and D. A. Binchy (eds), Ériu 18 (1958), Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Knott, Eleanor, “A poem of prophecies”, Ériu 18 (1958): 55–84.
Bergin, Osborn, “Irish grammatical tracts V: metrical faults”, Ériu 17 (supplement, 1955): 259–293.  
Critical edition (final part) of Irish grammatical tracts, comprising part V (on metrical faults, pp 259–293)
Bergin, Osborn, T. F. OʼRahilly, and Eleanor Knott (eds), Ériu 17 (1955), Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Knott, Eleanor, “Thomas Francis O’Rahilly 1883–1953”, Ériu 17 (1955): 147.
Bergin, Osborn, T. F. OʼRahilly, and Eleanor Knott (eds), Ériu 16 (1952), Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Knott, Eleanor, “Osborn Bergin (1873–1950)”, Ériu 16 (1952): 1–3.
Knott, Eleanor, “An index to the proper names in Saltair na rann”, Ériu 16 (1952): 99–122.
Knott, Eleanor, “Glossarial index to ‘An Irish seventeenth-century translation of the Rule of St. Clare’”, Ériu 15 (supplement, 1950): 1–110.
Knott, Eleanor, “An Irish seventeenth-century translation of the Rule of St. Clare”, Ériu 15 (1948): 1–187.
Bergin, Osborn, T. F. OʼRahilly, and Eleanor Knott (eds), Ériu 15 (1948), Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Knott, Eleanor, “Varia II”, Ériu 14 (1946): 144–146.
Bergin, Osborn, Thomas F. OʼRahilly, and Eleanor Knott (eds), Ériu 14 (1946), Dublin.
Knott, Eleanor, “O’Clery’s glossary and its forerunners. A note on glossary-making in medieval Ireland”, in: Sylvester OʼBrien [ed.], Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh .i. Miscellany of historical and linguistic studies in honour of Brother Michael Ó Cléirigh, O.F.M., Chief of the Four Masters, 1643-1943, Dublin, 1944. 65–69.
Bergin, Osborn, T. F. OʼRahilly, and Eleanor Knott (eds), Ériu 13 (1942), Dublin.
Knott, Eleanor, “Maud Joynt († July 24, 1940)”, Éigse 2:3 (fómhar, 1940): 226–229.
Bergin, Osborn, and Eleanor Knott (eds), Ériu 12 (1938), Dublin.
Knott, Eleanor [ed.], Togail bruidne Da Derga, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series, 8, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1936.
CELT – edition: <link> Internet Archive: <link>  : <link>
Knott, Eleanor, An introduction to Irish syllabic poetry of the period 1200–1600, 2nd ed., Cork: Cork University Press, 1934.  
comments: Reprinted in 1974 by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
Knott, Eleanor, “Irish notes”, Hermathena 22:47 (1932): 272–274.


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