
Tipper (Richard)

  • d. 1730
  • Mitchelstown
  • Irish people, scribes, scholars, antiquarians
  • (agents)
Irish scholar, scribe and antiquarian from Mitchelstown (Co. Dublin).
scribes:Tipper (Richard)
scribes:Mac Solaidh (Seón)Tipper (Richard)
scribes:Tipper (Richard)
scribes:Tipper (Richard)
scribes:Lynch (William)Mac Solaidh (Seón)O'Reilly (Edward)Tipper (Richard)
scribes:Tipper (Richard)
scribes:Tipper (Richard)

See also: Mac Cruitín (Aodh Buí)
Mac Cruitín (Aodh Buí)
(in English: Hugh MacCurtin) Irish poet and teacher

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Mac Solaidh (Seón)
Mac Solaidh (Seón)
(fl. early 18th century)
Irish scribe, of Stackallan (Co. Meath)

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Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Ó Neachtain (Tadhg)
Ó Neachtain (Tadhg)
(c.1670–c. 1752)
Irish scribe and scholar, son of Seán Ó Neachtain.

See more


Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
McGuire, James [ed.], and James Quinn [ed.], Dictionary of Irish biography, online ed., Online: Royal Irish Academy, Cambridge University Press, 2009–present. URL: <https://www.dib.ie>.
Ní Mhunghaile (Lesa) [id. 008565.v1. ‘Tuibear, Risteard (Richard Tipper)’] direct link
Walsh, Paul, “A letter of John Mac Solly”, in: Paul Walsh, Gleanings from Irish manuscripts, 2nd ed., Dublin: Three Candles, 1933. 197–204.
Internet Archive: <link>

External links

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Page created
July 2016, last updated: May 2022