
Lynch (John)

  • c. 1599–1677
  • County Galway, Tuam ... diocese
  • priests, authors, historians
  • (agents)
Irish priest and scholar; author of Cambrensis eversus (1662), under the Latin pseudonym Gratianus Lucius.
Lynch, John, and Irish Manuscripts Commission, Pii antistitis icon, or The life of Francis Kirwan, bishop of Killala, Facsimile reprint ed., Facsimiles in Collotype of Irish Manuscripts, Dublin: Stationery Office, 1951.
Lynch, John [author], and John Francis OʼDoherty [ed.], De praesulibus Hiberniae: potissimus catholicae religionis in Hiberniae ... authore Joanne Linchaeo, 2 vols, Dublin: Stationery Office for Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1944.
Lynch, John, and Matthew Kelly [ed. and tr.], Cambrensis eversus, seu potius Historica fides in rebus Hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, vol. 3, Dublin: for the Celtic Society, 1851–1852.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Lynch, John, and Matthew Kelly [ed., tr.], Cambrensis eversus, seu potius Historica fides in rebus Hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, 3 vols, Dublin: for the Celtic Society, 1848–1852.
Lynch, John, and Matthew Kelly [ed. and tr.], Cambrensis eversus, seu potius historica fides in rebus Hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, vol. 2, Dublin: for the Celtic Society, 1850.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link>
Lynch, John, and Matthew Kelly [ed. and tr.], Cambrensis eversus, seu potius Historica fides in rebus Hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, vol. 1, Dublin: for the Celtic Society, 1848.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link>
Lynch, John [Gratianus, Lucius], Cambrensis eversus, seu potius historica fides in rebus hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, (Saint Malo), 1662.

See also: County Galway
County Galway/Gaillimh
No short description available

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Mac Fhir Bhisigh (Dubhaltach)
Mac Fhir Bhisigh (Dubhaltach)
(d. 1671)
Dubhaltach (Óg) Mac Fhir Bhisigh, Irish historian and scribe, member of the learned Mac Fhir Bhisigh family in Connacht

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Tuam [diocese]Tuam ... diocese
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
McGuire, James [ed.], and James Quinn [ed.], Dictionary of Irish biography, online ed., Online: Royal Irish Academy, Cambridge University Press, 2009–present. URL: <https://www.dib.ie>.
Ó Ciosáin (Éamon) [id. 004945.v1. ‘Lynch, John’] direct link
d'Ambrières, René, and Éamon Ciosáin, “John Lynch of Galway (c. 1599–1677): his career, exile and writing”, Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 55 (2003): 50–63.
Ó Muraíle, Nollaig, “Lynch, John (d. in or after 1677)”, Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004–.
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