

  • Feast-day: 19 October
  • Ireland, Tauracus
  • saints of Brittany
  • (agents)
Saint in Brittany, of obscure origins. His vita associates him with the monastery of Tauracus (possibly in Taulé, Carantec, Finistère) and with Winwaloe/Gwenolé of Landévennec. He is also said to have been educated by Samson of Dol and to have spent the final years of his life in Ireland. Montreuil-sur-Mer possessed relics of the saint and it has been suggested that his vita was composed there.

See also: GuénoléGuénolé
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Samson of Dol
Samson of Dol
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Secondary sources (select)

Poulin, Joseph-Claude, “Sources hagiographiques de la Gaule [SHG], V: Le dossier de Saint Guénolé de Landevennec (Province de Bretagne)”, Francia 23:1 (1996).
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Vallerie, Erwan, “Saint Idunet et le monastère de Tauracus”, Études Celtiques 24 (1987): 315–317.
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 24, 1987: <link>
Varin, Amy, “The relative ages of two versions of the Vita sancti Winwaloei”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 3 (1983): 69–90.
Doble, G. H., The saints of Cornwall, vol. 2: Saints of the Lizard district, Oxford: Holywell Press for the Dean and Chapter of Truro, 1962.  
1. Saint Sithney; 2. Saint Constantine; 3. Saint Decuman; 4. Saint Mawgan; 5. Saint Corentin; 6. Saint Keverne; 7. Saint Winwaloe; 8. Saint Melanius or Melaine; 9. Saint Rumon.
Largillière, René, Melanges d’hagiographie bretonne: Saint Ethbin, saint Idunet et saint Dunet; Saint Brévara, Brévalaire, Brandan; Saint Avertin – sant Everzin, Brest: Presse Libérale, 1925. 46 pp.
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Latouche, Robert, Mélanges d’histoire de Cornouaille: Ve-XIe siècle, Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1911.  

Contents: Introduction (1-2) -- La vie de saint Guénolé (3-39) -- La vie de saint Idunet (41-46) -- Le cartulaire de Landevenec (47-77) -- Conclusion (79-82) -- Appendice I: les possessions territoriales de l'abbaye d Landevenec aux XIe siècle (83-90) -- Appendice II: la vie de saint Ronan (91-95) -- Appendice III: la plus ancienne vie de saint Guénolé (97-112) -- [plate].

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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
January 2023, last updated: March 2023