
Boxhorn (Marcus Zuerius van)

  • 1612–1653
  • Leiden
  • scholars
  • (agents)
Marc Zuer(ius) van Boxhorn, Dutch linguist and professor at the University of Leiden; proposed that Latin, Greek, Persian, Dutch and German derived from a common ancestral language called ‘Scythian’, later adding other languages, such as Welsh, to the family.
Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius van, and Georg Hornius [ed.], Origines Gallicae in quibus Gallorum origines, antiquitates, mores, lingua, etc. illustrantur; cui accedunt Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Lexicon Britannico-Latinum, et Proverbia Druidum, Amsterdam, 1654.  

Origines Gallicae in quibus Gallorum origines, antiquitates, mores, lingua, etc. illustrantur; cui accedunt Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Lexicon Britannico-Latinum, et Proverbia Druidum is an abbreviated title used in some catalogues of printed books. The title page has: Originum Gallicarum liber. In quo veteris & nobilissimae Gallorum gentis origines, antiquitates, mores, lingua & alia eruuntur & illustrantur. Cui accedit: Antiquae linguae Britannicae lexicon Britannico-Latinum. Cum adjectis & infertis ejusdem authoris Adagiis Britannicis sapientiae veterum Druidum reliquiis, & aliis antiquitatis Britannicae Gallicaeque nonnullis monumentis.

Internet Archive: <link>
Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius, Antwoord van Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn, gegeven op de Vraaghen, hem voorgestelt over de Bediedinge van de afgodinne Nehalennia, onlancx uytghegeven, in welcke de ghemeine herkomste van der Griecken, Romeinen ende Duytschen Tale uyt den Scythen duydelijck bewesen, ende verscheiden Oudheden van dese Volckeren grondelijck ontdekt ende verklaert worden, Leiden: Willem Christiaens van der Boxe, 1647.

See also: LeidenLeiden
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University of LeidenUniversity of Leiden
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Secondary sources (select)

Hofman, Rijcklof, “Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn (1612–1653)”, in: Lauran Toorians (ed.), Kelten en de Nederlanden van prehistorie tot heden, 1, Leuven and Paris: Peeters, 1998. 149–167.
Morgan, Prys, “Boxhorn and the Welsh”, Dutch Crossing. A Journal for Students of Dutch in Britain 24:2 (2000): 183–190.
Morgan, Prys, “Boxhorn, Leibniz, and the Welsh”, Studia Celtica 8–9 (1973–1974): 220–228.
Chotzen, Th. M. Th., Primitieve Keltistiek in de Nederlanden, ’s-Gravenhage: Nijhoff, 1931.
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016, last updated: November 2022