

  • d. 709
  • Sherborne, Malmesbury
  • (agents)
abbot of Malmesbury and later, bishop of Sherborne; known as an author of a number of elaborate Latin tracts in prose and in verse

See also: Cellán of Péronne
Cellán of Péronne
(d. 706)
Irish churchman, fourth abbot of St Fursa’s foundation in Péronne, Neustria, in what became Picardy, France. From William of Malmesbury, he is known to have corresponded with Aldhelm. He has been identified as the author of a number of Latin  poems. The Lorsch annals give his obit under 706.

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Malmesbury abbey
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Secondary sources (select)

Barker, Katherine, and Nicholas Brooks (eds), Aldhelm and Sherborne: essays to celebrate the founding of the bishopric, Oxford: Oxbow, 2010.
Yorke, Barbara, “Aldhelm’s Irish and British connections”, in: Katherine Barker, and Nicholas Brooks (eds), Aldhelm and Sherborne: essays to celebrate the founding of the bishopric, Oxford: Oxbow, 2010. 164–180.
Probert, Duncan, “New light on Aldhelm’s letter to King Gerent of Dumnonia”, in: Katherine Barker, and Nicholas Brooks (eds), Aldhelm and Sherborne: essays to celebrate the founding of the bishopric, Oxford: Oxbow, 2010. 110–128.
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
September 2016, last updated: June 2021