
H. J. (Hugh Jackson)
b. 1860–d. 1938

17 publications between 1896–1901 and 1931 indexed
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Works authored

Best, R. I., and H. J. Lawlor, The martyrology of Tallaght: from the Book of Leinster and MS. 5100–4 in the Royal Library, Brussels, Henry Bradshaw Society, 68, London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1931. xxviii + 264 pp.
Internet Archive – Available on loan: <link>
Lawlor, H. J. [ed.], The Psalter and Martyrology of Ricemarch, 2 vols, Henry Bradshaw Society, 47-48, London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1914.
Internet Archive – vol. 1: <link>, <link> Internet Archive – vol. 2: <link>
Stokes, George Thomas, Some worthies of the Irish church: lectures delivered in the Divinity School of the University of Dublin, ed. H. J. Lawlor, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1900.
Internet Archive: <link>
Lawlor, H. J. [ed.], The Rosslyn missal: an Irish manuscript in the Advocates’ Library Edinburgh, Henry Bradshaw Society, 15, London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1899.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link>, <link>, <link> Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>, <link>
Lawlor, H. J., Chapters on the Book of Mulling, Edinburgh: Douglas, 1897.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>

Contributions to journals

Armstrong, E. C. R., H. S. Crawford, and H. J. Lawlor, “The reliquary known as the Misach”, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 12:2 (1922): 105–112.
Lawlor, H. J., and R. I. Best [eds.], “The ancient list of coarbs of Patrick”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 35 C (1918–1920): 316–362.
Internet Archive: <link>
Armstrong, E. C. R., and H. J. Lawlor, “The Domnach Airgid MS”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 34 C (1917–1919): 96–126.
Lawlor, H. J., “Fragments of a lost register of the diocese of Clogher”, Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society 4:3 (Dec., 1918): 226–257.
Lawlor, H. J. [ed.], “The Cathach of St Columba”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 33 C (1916): 241–443.
Internet Archive: <link>
Lawlor, H. J., “A calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 29 C (1911–1912): 213–310.
Internet Archive: <link>
Lawlor, H. J., “A calendar of the Liber Niger and Liber Albus of Christ Church, Dublin”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 27 C:1 (1908, 1908–1909): 1–93.
Lawlor, H. J., “Note on the register of archbishop Alan”, Hermathena 14 (1907): 296–306.
Lawlor, H. J., “Two collections of visitation reports in the library of Trinity College”, Hermathena 13:31 (1905): 319–331.
Lawlor, H. J., “The manuscripts of the Vita S. Columbani”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 32 (1902–1904): 1–132.
Lawlor, H. J., “Note on an Irish monastic office”, Hermathena 10:24 (1898): 212–225.
Lawlor, H. J., “The Kilcormic missal: a manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 31:10 (1896–1901): 393–430.